|| T H I R T Y- T H R E E ||

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I was still bedridden after a week and now, the twin's birthday is approaching. I can't help but feel regretful after this fiasco.

Their third birthday is coming and I was supposed to have a grand birthday party but now, looking at my wounded leg, I'm sure it will just make my injury worsen.

"What are you sighing for?" Alec came with drowning in the middle of his eyebrows.

When I saw him with the twins who are babbling against him, I sigh once again.

"Mama! Mama!" They both swing their hands when they see me which made me smile.

"How are my babies? Did you have fun with Dada?" As if they were conversing with me, the two began their usual baby talk while I just nod at them.

I didn't notice that they were right in front of my face as they caressed my cheeks while I controlled my spilling tears.

This is what motivates me to live, they are my precious children and I cannot die that easily.  I know that I'm not their real mother, at least not in soul, I have grown my affection and see them grow from such tiny infants to cute babies.

A mother is a much stronger opponent when it comes to protecting their child.

"Are you a baby? You cry more than them" Alec said ruining the loving-family atmosphere.

Glaring at him, I hugged my two children while I ignore him. Serves you right, teasing this weak, injured patient, such a cold-hearted person.

"What did I do?"

Hmph, I'm a petty person, a very petty one.


I saw Alec writing documents in his study and since there was no one around, I asked him about the plan for the twin's birthday.

"Alec, about the twins birth-"

"I'm busy"

What?! How could he- find, I'll try tomorrow. Then the next day, we were eating breakfast when I asked again.

"Alec? I was thinking about-"

"I need to go now"

This man! How could he turn me down for the second time?! The third time's a charm I guess, so I need to just try again.

"Forgive me madam but the master is doing work outside"

The head butler was smiling at me, but I could feel the twitching of his eye as he looked toward my furious self.

My hands were clenched in a fist as I slammed it into the table. The head butler seems to shock but I couldn't care less about my reputation right now. How dare he ignore me? How dare he ignore our children's birthday?!

I'm gonna kick that man's ass. After being cared for by that burly guy, I now find myself comfortable around him.

"Amy! We're going outside!"

The usual running steps of Amy don't resonate into the hallway. Strange, now that I've noticed, there are fewer maids inside the estate.

Where are they? Are they slacking off? But why?

I pushed my wheelchair and arrived at the garden, Amy was there with a triangular hat on her head as she put one on me too.

"Amy? What-what is this? What-"

"This way madam" she pushed me inside the garden where several balloons with different colors are displayed. I could also hear the lovely music and laughter from miles away.

The maids and butlers were outside of the garden, there is also the smell of food coming into them.

Now I'm getting kinda suspicious.

When we arrived at the scene, my eyes welled up in tears and I couldn't help but shout.

"You stupid, heartless ignorant fool!"

That's if for today folks, hope you like this chapter!

Also for the people in the Philippines, please stay safe, cover yourself with masks, and don't come outside if it isn't necessary. We need to be careful, stay safe people.

Edit: I think the Taal volcano is about to erupt again which I hope it doesn't, take care once more people.

Thank you for everything, for the votes and warm comments, really thank you!


Thank you!

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