|| T H I R T Y- E I G H T ||

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I knew that I didn't act like how a real mother should act. Well, I'm not really prepared when I gave birth to the two of them, I never had been educated towards motherhood and how to bring up a child.

So I decided to read some books about motherhood and learn something about this unfamiliar topic.

"Road to motherhood, huh" I think this is the perfect book.

So I read it and found out so many surprising facts about motherhood. Some were even too descriptive that I can't help but cringe but the others, it was positive.

"Thank goodness I don't have to experience weird cravings, weight gain, nausea and mood swings"

I clasped the book on my chest and called for Amy. I wanted to go to the orphanage and help them. After reading about motherhood topics, I feel like I can relate a bit.

I mean, I carried them for like nine months and some people are gonna bully them, no way!

Hell no!

"To the...the orphanage?" Amy seemed unsure about my eccentric changes.

"Well, there's no harm giving away right? Sharing is caring" I said with a smile.

Me, Amy and the twins with a lot of guards in town came into the orphanage. The head of the orphanage look shocked and bewildered and my impromptu visit.

" Greetings to Duchess Castellion" she was a woman in her late fifties. Her silver hair was coiled up into a perfect bun and she gave this calm and warm vibe on her.

"Greetings to you too..."

"Galwayn, Frieda Galwayn"

My maternal instinct suddenly kicked in when I saw a bunch of little kids and toddlers looking up at me. A girl suddenly went up to me and tug at my skirt.

"Alice! Don't be rude to our guest!" Mrs. Frieda immediately took Alice hands off of my skirt leaving a smudge on it.

Horrified, she looked at me with fearful eyes and continuously ask for forgiveness.

They must have thought that I'm like those nobles who act high and arrogant, scorning the common people.

"It's fine, you don't need to worry about it" I said with a gentle smile and took one of my cotton handkerchief and wipe it off of Alice's dirty hands.

The kids begun to play with me in no time. Haru and Fuyu was being adored by the other kids. I play as the dragon and the twins as the prince and princess. The kids acted like knights and fought me. All in all, I really had fun with them.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom" I told Amy and she nodded her head, continued to watch over the twins.

After washing my hands, I was about to go out when I heard a cry and tried to listen to it. I walk towards the crying sound and found out that it was a little girl.

Her hair was in knots and her face was covered in tears. She was whimpering quietly and was holding a piece of crumpled paper. She must have seen my shadow when she flinched back and looked at me fearfully.

"Hi? Umm...are you crying?"

I want to smack my head. Really?! Asking an obvious question, how much of a fool have I become?!

"My...my f-friend" she shakily said while I look at her in encouragement.

"Go on" I said as gentle as possible.

"She's...she's missing"

Missing? How can she be missing?

"Did you report it to Mrs. Frieda?"

"Yes, and she...she said that she-she's been a-adopted. But I haven't seen her for...for three weeks!" She cried again as I scrunched my head into thinking.

Adopted into a new family but had never got out after being taken. How could it be?

As I was thinking, she out a crumpled paper on my hand and I looked at it. There is only a single word written on it.

And it was written in blood, with the name of someone I clearly knew of.


Yes people, were down to 50k reads! Wohoo!!

Anywayssss, thank you so so much for everything! I owe it to all of you! Thank you so much!


Thank you!

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