|| T W E N T Y- N I N E ||

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The three of us formed a group while the other noble ladies formed theirs too. Then the hunt was explained to us by the coordinator.

"The hunt will begin after you form a group and take your bows and arrows, next is the sound of a gun indicating that the hunt has begun. The number one rule is that you should never go out alone, you need to be always in pair. Number two is that you should never wander off the forest for far too long, the maximum time is only 3 hours and that's it. There is also our personnel guarding the forest so you won't worry about getting lost or injured. The most important rule is to not harm others intentionally, we will detain you, rich or not. That's it, I hope you adhere to our rules and regulations"

Well, that was a long one.

"Thank goodness they aren't like those leechers" Racquelyn whispered to us.

"Leechers?" I ask confused.

"Those two ladies that are always with that witch" she pointed with her pointy nose and I just nodded.

Those two girls are the infamous twins who love to flatter those in the higher-ups. I have experienced their flattery and it was top notch but I knew better.

Their new master is Lady Albourne, full name Matilda Albourne, daughter of the richest merchant in this kingdom. She has platinum blonde hair and green eyes, she was also slim and busty like the others. She was known for being a witch, poisoning the hearts of young lads to do her biddings.


"It's starting! Come on now!" Luci immediately holds my and Racquelyn's hand as we head out to the woods.


The forest was lush with large thick trees surrounding the land. I could also hear the chirping of the birds, the river flowing, and the crunch of the leaves when it comes to contact with our feet.

"This is so exciting, don't you think so Iseiah?"

"Oh...yeah, it is" I smiled slightly as I wandered my eyes around the forest.

The forest is too silent, it should be somewhat noisy with a lot of people inside of it, right?

Or maybe I'm just getting too sensitive, yep that's right, that's just it.

"Oh! I see a deer!" Racquelyn shouted at us which made the deer run.

"You really shouldn't have shouted at it like that, it will hear you and run" She just sheepishly smiled and stuck out her tongue to me.

Now we have been walking for about an hour and still no prey in our hands. We will look like losers if we don't get a single rabbit or something on our hands.

"Still haven't sighted anything yet?" I asked Luci, her face looking grieved as she shook her head.

"Well we still got two hours, we shouldn't give up like this!" Like she just downed a bucket of chicken blood, Racquelyn shouted with her hands in a fist.

"You're right! We're gonna catch a deer!" Luci shouted too.

"Yey" I waved my hand lamely to my side as they both planned their next course of action.

Then I spotted a deer and ushered them to go quiet. The two of them shut their mouths and readied their bows and were about to shoot into the poor deer when a cry of shout resonates into the forest.

Then I got a chill when I heard several cries and I got up and took Luci and Racquelyn's hands. They both look terrified and pale when I signaled for them to be quiet. We hid in a bush and I took a peek.

I regret peeking, so bad.

Now that I see a woman lying in a pool of her blood, her eyes staring right back at me as her blood oozed out from her head.

Which is shot by an arrow.

Of all day, I have to see this, goodness me!

HAPPY 20k reads people!!! Thank you so much for your votes and support in this book!!

Well it may be a bit of a cliffhanger so please do bear with me 😂😂

Anyways, thank you for your comments!! I love reading them, seriously.


Thank you!

My lady- not!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن