|| T W E N T Y- S I X ||

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Our days didn't change, it's as if the things that happened yesterday were erased from their memories. Only me, Amy, and my children knew about our experience and it was still a painful lesson that was etched in my mind, it was a mistake that I could never erase and hopefully, I could do my best to be a good mother even though I don't have that experience to be one. 

"It looks like it's gonna rain today" Looking at the window sill, I could see the dark cloud looming above.

"I hope it won't rain too much" Amy said absentmindedly.

"Why? Is it that bad?"

"It's not just bad, madam. Every time it rains here, the whole kingdom is surrounded by darkness and there was a story behind the rain" I nodded for her to go on. "It was said to be the tears of a witch who fell in love with a human. She cursed our kingdom to experience her tears and be bathed with darkness. The aftermath is always worse especially towards the commoners"


"Are... witches true?"

"Of course they are, madam! We have witches that lived in the mountains and concocted potions for healing and cursing. Everyone knows their existence, madam!" She said as she set her confused eyes at me.

Well, I wasn't born here so I do not know that witches are true.

I look at my two twins as they walked into the whole room. Their toys were scattered and the mess is always cleaned after they sleep.

Time sure flies, it will be their third birthday coming up in two weeks. Now their father should be here, planning with me but instead, he's out to somewhere doing whatever it is.


It's been a week, now I'm getting worried. He hasn't been this out long before, is he frolicking with ladies-no, he must be with the heroine. Hopefully not because I will crush his eggs if he is. I talked to the head butler and he immediately took a carriage for me, my life is on the line with that man and I will not just wait here for death!

I told Amy to look for the kids while I'm gone, kissing them goodbye, I was now headed to the palace.

"Madam, do not worry, the master must have been delayed by his work. I'm sure he's alright" the head butler told me as I nodded to him.

I'm not worrying over his health, he's a military commander for goodness sake! He can even fight with 10 people by just him alone.

What I'm worried about is that heroine. Who knows maybe she was already bedded by that slag husband of mine.

"Can't we go faster?" I irritatedly said to the coachman.

"Yes that's right, do what the madam wants!"

And now we've arrived at the palace gates. Not waiting for the head butler, I walk inside the castle and ignore the maid's greetings to me and head out towards the crown prince's office.


I immediately stop my foot when I hear someone, behind me was a guard. I instantly knew that he was new, no guards have ever stopped me from going in considering my identity.

"What is it?"

He looks shocked then he turned angry at my words.

"Who are you to enter his highness crown prince's office?! Are you a spy?! Let me search you!" He walked towards me and held a tight grip on my left wrist.

"Impudent! How dare you hold me like this?! Do you know that I'm the wife of-"

His hand grabbed my shoulder and he has this look of a lustful man. I immediately knew that he was drunk by the smell of his breath on my face.


"You bastard! How dare you-"

I stood still when a hand grabbed the guard's shoulder and threw him off me. The guard was instantly crushed by the man as he broke his left arm.

"Are you okay?" The man with the green eyes took my wrist and inspect it.

"I-I'm fine...thank you Mr..."

Looking at his profile, he seemed to be the gentle type. Black long lashes framing his forests like eyes, tall nose, and straight eyebrows. His build was tall and slender, he also have a pair of beautiful, trimmed nails.

I was suddenly snapped out of my mind when I heard his name.

"Dulveus, Callioli Dulveus"

Oh shit!

It's the villainess, first love!

Thank you for the comments!!! I'm laughing so hard at your comments, really!

Anyways, thank you for sharing your opinions! I always love reading them!


Thank you!

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