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It was a few weeks later and they'd all settled into granny's, who was in her element, surrounded by mobsters and her first grandchild.

"Listen you old hag, if you keep smoking that much you wont get near her." Yoongi growled as he protectively held his lil'chunk away as from Granny in the kitchen who was trying to hold her when she'd just smoked. 

Granny watched Yoongi with interest as he expertly held Chun-hei in one arm and made a bottle with his spare hand, his inky skin out of place next to the plain innocent looking bottle.
"You know, you suit being a father Yoongi." Granny cackled and he rolled his eyes and looked at her suspiciously.
"What the hell are you talking about now?" He scoffed with a small smile.
"You're not nearly as ferocious as you used to be." The old woman grinned with a wriggle of her eyebrows and Jin came in, placing a tattooed arm around the old woman's shoulders.

"Ehhh Granny! Stop winding him up on purpose! You're just trying to rile him up till he snaps for your own excitement. I'll show you a good time granny." Jin said playfully, earning a disgusted look from Yoongi and an excited one from Granny.

" Jin said playfully, earning a disgusted look from Yoongi and an excited one from Granny

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"Oh yeah?" She asked and Jin nodded.
"Oh yeah. I'll sit you on the garden swing and push you till your little feet leave the ground. WOO that's really pushing the boat out." Jin chuckled and Granny's face sunk. The young man was toying with her.
"Very funny..." She grumbled as she wondered off to find someone else to wind up. Namjoon was next on her hit list, he was fun.

"Where's Yn?" Jin asked after saving Yoongi's sanity from Granny.
"Sleeping because this-" he suggested lifting Chun-hei up to boop their noses together
"-adorable little bugger kept us up all night." he finished settling her into his arm as he offered her the bottle resting tiredly against the counter.
"So..what's the plan? Now were all here?.." Jin asked suggesting to the large stately home they now all lived in and Yoongi looked at him for a moment, silence in the room.
"I um...need to find out what Jaehyun's dad's after. I've got a funny feeling it's either Yn, Chun-hei or my head..." he muttered looking down at his precious girl in his arms and sniffing once as he screwed his nose up before adding one last thing.
"Don't tell Yn Jaehyun's dad's about."

Jin promised he wouldn't and they spoke about a meeting later to discuss what was happening.

Later that night Yoongi and the six gathered in the games room with Granny, because she refused to leave and Yoongi knew that she was hiding something from her past and was almost certain, somewhere along the line she'd be useful.
"So..what's going on then?" Jin asked raising his hand slightly trying to get straight to the point.

Yoongi sighed and explained about Jaehyun's dad and watched their faces fall, Jungkook's mouth hanging open as Jimin threw his hands around, unsure of how to process the information.

Yoongi sighed and explained about Jaehyun's dad and watched their faces fall, Jungkook's mouth hanging open as Jimin threw his hands around, unsure of how to process the information

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"So now what?" Taehyung asked and Yoongi dragged his hands down his face as he kicked the coffee table.
"I don't...fucking know. I think we'll have to head out, see if we can get any news on what he's after. If he so much as tries to lay a finger on my girlfriend or my daughter he'll wind up the same a his dead son..." Yoongi growled walking off but Granny grabbed his wrist gently from where she was sat on the end of the sofa.
"Eh sonny. You can't leave your boys like this. Let them know what they gotta do. Tell them where to go, what time they need to go there, if they need to go armed..."

Yoongi angrily shook her hand off, annoyed at the meddling old lady, it wasn't the same as back in her day, his boys weren't stupid.
"Ya'll know what to do, go find out if anyone's talking, you know the best places to go and what times and you always go armed and in pairs as a minimum." Yoongi spat before storming out. 

Granny chuckled.

"Well..he certainly loses his cool when it comes to his family eh?" She grinned lighting up a cigarette and dragging from it for a long time before blowing it out.
"I can see this house is about to get a lot more interesting." 

Namjoon stood up first, announcing that they'd go out that evening and he'd relay the plans to Yoongi.
"I'll stay here, with Yn. Someone needs to look after her and the house." Jungkook said, his tone clear that he wasn't going to settle for any other job, his face set and angry.

Yn was like his little sister and someone needed to keep an eye on her and the baby and he knew it had to be him

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Yn was like his little sister and someone needed to keep an eye on her and the baby and he knew it had to be him. Namjoon agreed and the others set about getting changed and getting guns ready, causing a stir of excitement from Granny as for the first time since they'd moved in she saw them get ready to really work, loading guns and dressing all in black before they left the house in their expensive cars, Yoongi kissing Yn and Chun-hei sweetly before he left. 

Worry written all over his face as he left them giving the titan guard Jungkook a fist bump and a nod before leaving with the boys. Praying that the night went smoothly and he could return home easily to his girls.

Sorry it took forever to get this one out kids.

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