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Neither of them want to break the silence first.

Yoongi takes a deep breath and runs his hand through his hair and brings it back down to rest at his side. He undeniably feels like shit after Jungkook's words had hurt him.

That's two of his boys now, but what's worse is Jungkook's words were all true. Yn and Yoongi stand there for a while just looking at each other until Yoongi breaks the silence as Yn bursts into a bout of tears.
"Ugh, Kitten..i'm sorry." He takes a few small steps towards her,  watching her reaction to see if he's making her uncomfortable. He truly loves her and doesn't want to push her past her limits. 

"Yoongi? I..." But Yn doesn't finish her sentence. There's no need. They both know the weight of Jungkooks words and Yoongi doesn't know what to do. He's not good with words. He never has been. He's always tried to express his feelings through his actions but now's the right time to try a different approach.

He opens his arms and is flooded with relief as Yn runs into them sobbing into his chest.
"Yoongi! You don't love me do you? Are you keeping me around because of guilt? Because of Chun-hei?!" She wails and his heart breaks into a million pieces as he looks into her distraught face.

His girlfriend.
His child's mother.
His best friend.
His soul mate.
His partner in crime.
His awful backseat driving co-pilot.
His everything.

A smile tugs at his lips as he cups her face. This is the time for words.
It's now or never.
Do or die.
Fight or flight.
"Yn? Look at me?" his voice gentle, almost begging, barely above a whisper so as not to scare the frightened, emotionally shattered girl in his grip.

"I will always feel guilty because of what happened to you, it's my fault, but know this Kitten. I love you. I love you so much and i'm sorry for what I said earlier. I need you, I can't be without you, it drives me crazy. I need Chun-hei and I need you both together, in my life forever. My family. My team. My beautiful girls. There are not enough words in this shitty world to describe the depth of my love for you and Chun-hei." 

Yn's tears fell faster than ever before.

He'd said it.

He'd really said it and her heart was slamming against her ribcage. It was as if the last year hadn't happened and it was the first time he'd gazed into her eyes. The butterflies were as strong as they'd always been as his lips touched hers gently. A soft, lingering kiss, full of emotion.
"can you forgive me for being an ass?" He asked with a warm smile and Yn sniffed as she nodded and wiped her tears as Yoongi thanked her and kissed her forehead before taking her hand and leaving the room with her to find their precious baby girl. 

Jungkook stood up as Yoongi entered the room with Yn, all the boys looking stern, worried, anxious but as soon as Yoongi lifted his hand slightly which was intertwined with Yn's and they all realised it was okay there was a unanimous sigh of relief but Jungkook wasn't done.
"Did you tell her?" he growls and Yoongi steps forwards a touch, pushing Yn behind him.

"Not that it's any of your business kid, but yes I did. I told her I love her and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. But listen and listen well-" He addresses the rest of the room, "-if any of you ever defy me ever again, I will kill you." His gaze lingering on Hoseok a fraction too long causing Hoseok to swallow under his intimidating gaze, and with that he walks over to granny, takes Chun-hei into his arms and announces he's taking his family to bed as he holds Chun-hei to his chest with one hand and links his other with Yn's, gently leading her away from the stares.

He'd had a shit day and wanted nothing more than to wrap his girls in his arms and fall asleep. 

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