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"Fuck stop it!-" Namjoon snapped crossing one leg over the other with  death glare "-you're going to make us all jittery if you keep this up!"

Yoongi swallowed hard trying to compose himself but still snapped.

"Shut the fuck up! You have no idea what it's like leaving your girlfriend and new born daughter at home knowing you might not be going back!"His chest heaving as his rage set in but was crushed as Hoseok laughed.
"Yo boss. Chill, you'll make it back. That's exactly-" He grabbed his gun out of his pocket "-what we-" he snapped a new magazine of bullets into it expertly "-are here for. We got you. If anyone dies it'll be us. You're the boss man. We. Got. You." He grinned over his shoulder from the passengers seat at the front, emphasizing his last three words.

Yoongi couldn't deny it made his feel at ease. He had a good crew of men here. They'd always had his back for years and none of them had died yet. He gave Hoseok a nod and the smiley man winked back at him before turning back to face the front as Jin scoffed as he looked at yoongi cracking his knuckles in the mirror.

Yoongi was a strong man, there was no denying that a man of his status needed to be strong to get to the top, but while Chun-hei was so young and Yn still mildly defenseless apart from Jungkook, he was a nervous wreck. This wasn't going to end well. Jin could already tell and it filled him with anxiety as he pulled the car up outside a three story town house.

All six men stepped out the two cars and walked down the pleasant street till they were stood outside the house. It was a nice enough house, nice enough neighbourhood, the man inside the house however didn't fit in with the posh surroundings. He was here to be hidden.

Yoongi banged aggressively on the door and a small tubby man opened the door, he was greasy and at the sight of the six before him, jittery and sweating with nerves.
"Ah! Y-Yoongi..w-what can I do for y-you?" he stuttered and Yoongi rolled his eyes as she shoved the man into his dimly lit home and barged past him with the other five following behind. Jimin the last one in, shutting the door politely on his way in making Taehyung laugh. He'd have left it open just to be an ass.

"Donghyuck. Long time no see.." Yoongi muttered helping himself to the sofa, picking up a dirty magazine in his way with his thumb and forefinger in a disgusted way throwing it onto the floor. The squat nervous man stumbled in, glancing at the five intimidating men stood around his living room. He swallowed hard.
"T-To what do I owe the p-pleasure of this visit?" he mumbled, wringing his hands together making Taehyung scowl in disgust at his pathetic demeanour.

Yoongi sighed in annoyance.
"Cut the shit fat man. I need information and I know that you're going to help me-" Yoongi shot a glare at Jin and Namjoon who flanked either side of the fat greasy bag of nerves cracking their knuckles as they stared down at him '-and for fucks sake someone put a damn light on! I feel like i'm in a damn cave!" He barked and Jimin slammed his hand onto the light switch causing Donghyuck to squint at the sudden brightness.

Yoongi stood from the sofa and put his hand in his pocket pulling out a switch blade, picking the non existent dirt from under his nails as he lazily walked towards Donghyuck who went to step backwards but was barricaded by Jin and Namjoon. 
"So, rumour going around is Jaehyun's dad Sehun is back and entering the game?.." Donghyuck was instantly on high alert, he changed the subject quickly.
"R-rumour also has it you're now a dad? Is your daughter Chun-hei well?"

Hoseok face palmed and Jimin shook his head sadly. Wrong topic.

Yoongi gritted his teeth and punched the squat greasy pig in the jaw sending him reeling into the two men stood behind him, stopping him from running. Namjoon grabbed him by his top to stop him falling.
"Face up big boy." He grinned turning him around to face the raging Yoongi.
"Don't...don't you dare speak my daughter's name.-" He growled  "-I'll kill you where you fucking stand!" He roared and punched the fat man in the gut making him double over and crash to the floor.

With a sigh of annoyance he shrugged exasperated at Jin and Namjoon that the man was down already. They shrugged back clueless. They had no idea Donghyuck was so weak either.  Brushing his hand through his hair Yoongi squatted next to the fat man who started blubbing on the floor.

"P-please don't! I'll talk! Don't hurt me!-" He wailed and Yoongi tried to talk over his noise.
"Tell me where Sehun is?"
"-I'll talk! I swear I will! I already sai-"
"So where's Sehun?!" Yoongi said louder but Donghyuck was too busy pleading and cowering causing Yoongi to lose his patience. Taehyung was quick to assist and pulled his gun out aiming it at the ceiling before firing a round as Yoongi pulled out his own holding it to Donghyuck's temple.

"Oookay. Now we've got your attention right?" He grinned sadistically, enjoying the mans fear.
"A-absolutely sir!' The pig quivered and cowered and the boys thought it was pathetic how little of a fight the greasy little man put up.
"Good. Bout' fuckin' time. Where's Sehun?" He asked again pushing the barrel of the gun harder against the mans skin.
"I'm n-not sure! One of his m-men was here earlier asking me a-about you! He s-said something ab-bout a child for a child or s-something!" Donghyuck said quickly, trying to get as much information out as possible to get the gun away from his head.

Yoogi saw red and Jin quickly stepped in easing him away a little from the man before he killed him. They needed the fat pig alive.
"A child for a child! I'll fucking kill him before he even sets foot near her." Yoongi growled full of rage as Taehyung held him back a safer distance. Jin squatted down near Donghyuck and grabbed him by his shirt collar.
"No one is setting foot near Chun-hei. If you hear of anything, you call us, got it? And if you double cross us, we'll kill you so damn slow any pain you've ever felt will feel easy in comparison to what we'll do. Got it?" 

And with that they left the fat jittery man sobbing with relief he was still alive on the floor as they left making sure to smash everything possible on their way out. As they sat back in the cars Yoongi noticed Namjoon looked thoughtful.
"What?" He spat annoyed and Namjoon shrugged.
"Poor fucker is sobbing because he was left with his life tonight but thing is he's as good as dead anyway. He's now go to try work for both of us, which means one of us will kill him soon. He's going to doublecross one of us at some point." Yoongi chuckled as he checked his phone.
"He's a dead man anyway that's true. He's already on borrowed time. Let's hope he comes through for us very soon.." His voice full of nonchalance at the thought of the fat man dying as he typed a quick text to Yn before they moved onto the next place. The night was still young. His work had only just begun. 

Stupid Wattpad won't load any of the gifs this evening for some stooooopid reason. Sorry xx

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