Chapter 3. (Part 2)

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You woke up at like 11 am. You felt still sleepy but decided not to sleep until night. You walked in the kitchen, where your mother was making ramen.

"Hey mom?" you asked. "Yes honey?" she asked back. "I finally got a friend." you said. "That's so great, when will she or he come visit?" she asked.

"Uhh... He's 21, and I think he doesn't want to come visit yet." you said. "OOOOOHHH" she yelled right into your ears. You jumped bit.

"What are you yelling?!" you asked. "MY LITTLE BABY GOT A BOYFRIEND!! OHMYGAAAHH" she yelled. You blushed deep red. "I-it's not like that!" you said.

"Is he handsome? Does he-????" "Mom, he is not my boyfriend and I don't know because he doesn't like to show his face." you said.

"And I'll go visit him now, bye." you said and runned away.

- - - - - - - -
You knocked his door. He came and opened the door. He had his mask on his face hair and looked like he had just woke. "Hello!" you said with smile.

He nodded to you and let you in. "Mom thinks you are my boyfriend." you said with chuckle. He just looked at you tilting his head.

"Um, why are you staring?" you asked. He immediately looked away. "Don't worry about her, she's bit um.. Hyper." you said.

He nodded. "How can you be so tall anyway?" you asked. He looked onto ground then back. He shrugged.

"Wait a second." you said with small smile and walked in front off him. He looked down at you. "Look, you are so much taller than me." you said the smile still on your lips.

"Aren't men supposed to be taller than women?" he wrote. You read it and giggled a little bit. "Yeah, I think so." you answered.

There was a short silence. "Hey um... Could I see your face..?" you asked carefully. "I understand if you don't want to." you said.

He nodded after he thought about it a while. He took off his white mask, revealing his brown hair and brown eyes. You looked at him, he looked bit nervous. Then you covered your face in your hands.

His eyes widened just a bit which you didn't see. ".. You are too... handsome." you muffled. He was now deep Red, but you didn't see it because of your hands.

You looked at him again, as he looked down at you. He lifted his mask and were about to put it back on. "N-no, don't." you said.

"I think I gotta go, but I'll come back tomorrow okay?" you asked. He nodded. "And now I can do even this." you said and kissed his cheeck.

He blushed and you smiled to him. "Have a good day!" you said. "You too." he wrote. "Thanks!" you said and left.

- - - - - - - - -

You walked on the streets and tried to think what you should do. Then Ann appeard behind you.

"Fatty." she said. You turned around, but she wasn't alone. She had four friends with her. "What's up?" you asked.

She looked like a frog for few seconds. "You know what to do!" she yelled to the others. They nudged you down. "Hey!" you said.

"You acted so happy when I said I'll move away, but now I have my friends doing my job, hahaha!" she told you.

"Bitch, I hate you." you said. She punched you and you punched back. Everyone attacked you.

You got many hits but punched Ann's nose broken and few others' lips were in blood. Now, you got few scratches because they were shitty fighters and they punched your body, not face.

When they left, you stood up and walked home. Your mother was in the kitchen and you walked to your room.

'Should I tell Freddy..?'... You watched few episodes of your favorite TV-show and went to sleep.

You woke up like usually, onto ground. "Hey (Y/n), aren't you early?" Freddy asked. "Yeah." you answered.

"What happened to your cheeck?" he asked. "Huh?" you asked back. "Your cheeck is bleeding, did you fight someone?" he asked.

"U-uh.. Maybe." you said. "The bitch made that, didn't she?" he asked. "There was many of them." you said. "Can I ask any names?" he asked. "I don't know their names." you said.

"Did you win?" he asked. "Well if I broke her nose and they just made scratch I think I won." you said.

"Nice." he said. "Why don't you like Michael by the way?" you asked. "I just don't." he answered. "But he's so handsome!" you said.

"Oh." he said. "And he's so kind and -?" "Stop that please.." he mumbled. "Eh?" you asked.

"I don't like when you speak about him like that." he said. "Why?" you asked carefully. "Because.." he mumbled.

You watched him trying to say something. "Freddy?" you asked. He walked closer to you. "Freddy..?" you asked as you took steps back.

You were now against wall. "(Y/n).. I maybe do like you a bit." he said. You blushed deep red. "I uh, I l-like you too.." you said shyly.

He kissed you softly. You kissed back. It felt so good... "Thank you." he mumbled. "No problem.." you said not being sure how to respond.

Michael Myers x Chubby!Shy!Reader x Freddy Krueger Where stories live. Discover now