Chapter 6.

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You were in the school and it was lunch time. You didn't eat anything and your plate was full of nothing.

Honestly, you didn't know why you were in cafeteria anyway, if you didn't even eat anything. You stood up, and left away from there.

You were super sleepy too, but you took coffee all the time to avoid sleeping.

You finally went into Michael's house after school, and when you two were watching The Shining, you fell asleep while your body leaned lightly against him.

"(Y/n)..?" you heard Freddy's voice. "F-Freddy..?" you asked. "(Y/n) I am so sorry..." he came from shadows. "U-uh.." you mumbled.

"I'm sorry..." he said. "About what..?" you asked carefully. "I.. I-I... I killed... I killed your mother.." It felt like time had stopped.

Your eyes widened. You pressed your arm against a very hot pipe, which woke you up.

"(Y/n), is everything alright?" Michael asked beside you. You were in an old bed with blanket on you, and Michael beside you.

"N-no, everything is wrong.." you sobbed ignoring the fact that you weren't on the sofa anymore. He hugged you. "What happened?" he asked. "H-he.... He.... H-he killed m-my mom.." you sniffed.

"What?'' Michael asked. You sobbed now hard. He hugged you tighter and you cried into his shoulder. "(Y/n).. This might come a little early, but you can move into my house.." he said while tapping your back trying to calm you down.

"C-can I-I?" you asked. "Of course." he said. "T-thanks.... I don't know what would I do without you..." you told him. He mumbled something what you didn't hear.

- - - - - - - - -

You two decided to take your mother's body and bury it in the forest near by. You cried so much all the time, but Michael holded you close and did all the work.

After her body was bured, You went to Michael's house with him. You two didn't speak much after that.

"Uh.. (Y/n), would you like to talk about it?" he asked after long silence. "What should I say..?" you asked. "Maybe about her?" he said.

You started sobbing again. "N-no I don't.." you muffled. "Alright.. You know you can talk everything with me? I will always listen, even if you shout I will listen, I promise." he told you.

You looked at him for few seconds. "Thanks..." you mumbled. "No problem." he said. "You should get some sleep, it's been a long day." Michael said.

"No.. I don't want to see Freddy..." you mumbled. "(Y/n), you can't avoid him the rest of your life." Michael said. "Sigh* you're right...." you mumbled.

"I could sleep beside you, and wake with you.. If you want to, of course." he told you bit shyly. "Um..." you blushed. "O-okay..." you mumbled.

You two then went to sleep in his old bed and you were blushing madly all the time. "Good night.." he said shyly again. You took his big hand into your small one. "Good night Michael." you told him with a small smile.

Dream -

You woke up in boiler room. 'Not again...' you thought. "(Y/n), let me explain, it's a good reason!" Freddy came from nowhere. "I hate you!" you said. "Please let me explain!" he said.

"Fine, but you need to have so fucking good excuse!" you said. "Okay.. So, when Michael kissed you I got mad. I shouted at you, and you started crying, and you left.. That night, I went into your mother's dream. I was about to ask her how should I make it up with you, but she thought I was about to kill her. She ran away, and behind a corner. When I went there, she was stuck in the hot pipes, and one sharp iron had went thru her stomach. She was in pain... And crying. She started to slowly burn, so I had to do it, I'm so sorry!" he told.

You had tears in your eyes. "Y-you know what?" you asked. "What?" he asked carefully. "Michael is sleeping beside me right now. And want to know another thing? I think he's really cute! And what you did to me was fucking shit!" you said.

"What did I do to you.?" he asked shyly. "You made me cut myself! YOU FUCKING DID IT!" you yelled as you pulled your sleeve up.

He stood there in shock.. "(Y/n), why did you do that..." he asked. "BECAUSE OF YOU!" you shouted.

"No no no, (Y/n) don't do that anymore, I'm so sorry!" he said. "Too late." you told him. He looked like he was about to cry. "Can w-we at least (He sounded so nervous while saying "We".) Be friends..?" he asked carefully, shyly and sad.

"I'll think that." you said while turning your back to him. "Do you like Michael now..?" he asked. "Maybe, it's none of your business." you said.

Freddy walked carefully beside you. "(Y/n).. If you want, I can.. Leave you and never come back.." he sounded like he was broken.

"Freddy." you said turning slowly. "Y-yes..?" he asked carefully. "You can stay, but just don't kill anyone who I love or I'll kill you myself, and I'm still mad and sad, so don't do anything fucking stupid." you said.

"(Y/n) I love you, thank you so much!" he said happily like a child who didn't need to go into school. "I'm still mad." you said.

"(Y/n), I promise to your best friend!" he said. "Um.. I didn't ever have 'friends' beside you and Michael." you said.

"Oh yeah, I forget. I'll still be better than him tho." he told you. "You can try." you said.

=Freddyn PoV=

'I'll get her back no matter what! Michael will never have her! I love her, and it's true love so it should work!'...

'But now I should think how to make her happy again... And get her virginity before Michael does...'

"So (Y/n), how old are you?" I asked. "Oh um,, I'm (Your age) (need to be +15 sry)." she said.

'Hmmm I'm Freddy goddamn, I should know these things and how to make her love me again... And that stupid Michael Myers is between us!'.(Not yandere, they are scary).

"(Y/n), it's 10am. You should wake up." I said and clapped my hands. She disappeart. 'Someday I can be with her all the time, when I get away from dream land.'.

Michael Myers x Chubby!Shy!Reader x Freddy Krueger Where stories live. Discover now