Chapter Two.

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"You mean to tell me, that not only was the ass hole screwing around behind your back, again! You got home from picking up Rosie to find him screwing the tramp, in YOUR bed?!" Sally screeched from her seat, in Ellies living room.

"I don't understand what made him think he could get away with it again. Does he seriously have rocks for brains or is he a sadistic knob who gets his jollies from breaking your heart?" Billie calmly added to the conversation while sipping at her coffee.

"Ladies you will both find he is indeed a sadistic ass hole, that cant keep it in his pants!" Ellie said walking in to the living carrying a tray with a variety of cocktails on. "That is why, as soon as Tasha gets here, were going to start pre drinks, get dressed up and take my beautiful girl out. Help her forget all about him!" Charlotte rolled her eyes at her big sisters grin that lit up her face.

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late! Ste ended up picking up Max and Tom on the way over. Something about them saying it wasn't fair that Ste and Rosie were getting to go see Toy Story without them." Tasha laughed as she walked in to the room where her sisters in law and friends sat.

"Anyone want to tell me what the occasion is? Not that we need one, we havent been out in so long but Im curious as to why El was so cryptic on the phone this morning." She added once shed set her bag down on the coffee table.

Everyones eyes turned to Charlotte expectantly. Heaving out a sigh "He did it again."

"What!" Tasha screeched! "Wait until I see him!.."

"Get in line Tash. There wont be much of him left after mum gets her hands on him." Ellie laughed.

"Ooh yeah! Mama bear is pissed alright!" Sally added causing Charl, El and Billie to laugh.

"Oh god! Does Steve know?" She asked panicked. "What am I saying!? Of course, he doesnt! He would have been a raging bull when he handed me the phone if he knew." Tash mused to herself. "Oh babe, Im sorry. Are you ok? I was so busy waffling I didnt think to ask." Giving her a hug.

"You know what guys; Im actually doing ok." Charlotte shrugs. "I think I knew at the back of my mind he would pull this shit again. I guess I was naively hoping that moving away, having a fresh start, would change things. Obviously, I was wrong." She sighs. "Im just glad Rosie is dealing with it so well. Even though I think she secretly hated him!" She added causing a few giggles.

"Enough of the depressing talk now!" Sally exclaimed! "Theres drinks here calling out our names!"

They all grabbed a glass and enthusiastically had a mouthful! Chocking on the alcohol level.

"Bloody hell! Are you trying to kill us?!" Billie said while coughing.

"Jees! Sorry guys! I got a bit over zealous with the vodka, I think! Ive got a bottle of wine in the fridge; Ill grab some glasses." She said with a cough as she whisked the lethal concoction out of everyones hands.


Unbeknown to the girls four sets of eyes spot them while walking out of the cinema. Seeing them singing and dancing in line, waiting to gain access to their next bar.

"Stevie" Rosie says while pulling on her uncles hand to gain his attention.

"Yeah buttercup?" He says smiling down at her.

"They're all pissed, arent they?"

Steves eyes bulge while Tom and Max almost choke on the remaining popcorn left from the movie.

"Where the hell did you learn that?! Your mum will kill me if she thinks I swear in front of you!"

"When I came back from the toilet, while you were getting our tickets, I heard Tom tell Max"

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