Chapter Thirty-Six. (NSFW)

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Having bathed and put Rosie to bed, Bonny curled up on her bed too; Charlotte made her way back to the living room to hopefully talk to Ben about what actually happened that night. Only he wasn't in there. Turning to look down the hallway, she noticed the bedroom door open. Going and turning everything off in the living room and kitchen, then making her way to the bedroom.

"It's still quite early, want to watch a movie on Netflix? Or I can run you a bath, might help ease any aches?" His head dropped and his shoulders sagged. When she reached him, she ran a hand down the length of his back being mindful of his tender areas. He let out a deep sigh as he turned to look at her.

"What he did to me, isn't what wakes me up." He says quietly. She takes his hand and leads him to sit on the bed with her.

"Why dont you start from the beginning? I won't interrupt, take your time." Running her fingers through his shaggy lengths of hair giving him a reassuring smile.

"Stan had just left. Id locked up and was texting you as I headed to the car. No sooner had I got in, the alarm started going off. I went back in. I was going around the mill and heard something but didn't see anything when I looked. When I turned back to carry on looking around, someone was stood there. Won't lie, my heart fell out my arse!" He snorted. "Then the fucker pulled his hood down, he stood there fucking smirking and suddenly he swung a piece of wood at me but I held my arm up to protect my head. Hurt like a bitch. Long story short, my arm was useless and he beat the shit out of me. He started going on about shit and I tried to get out of there to get to the car and grab my phone but he hit my legs, as I fell I hit my head on the ground. He started hitting me with the wood and then fucking slammed his boot down on my arm. I heard the door open and I was hoping to god it wasn't you but before I could try and look he hit me round the head and I don't really remember much after that, until I woke up as dad was about to leave the hospital." He nodded and then looked at Charlotte who was fighting back tears.

"You said what he did to you isn't what keeps waking you up." She whispered. "What else happened?"

He lifted his legs up on to the bed and leaned against the head board. She crawled up to him and curled in to his side.

"Lottie, I... I dont want you thinking about it, ok. I'll deal with it."

"What did he say?" She said in a more assertive tone.

"That he was going to leave me in such a state Id be in hospital for months and thats when hed make you regret leaving him." Sighing and frowning at her for making him tell her. "I won't let him hurt you Lottie, I promise! He won't lay a finger on you, ever again." He said looking down at her.

Lifting her gaze to look him in the eye she licked her lips; "That's what you dream about isn't it? Him getting to me? That's why you beg him before you wake up?" She whispered as a tear slid down her cheek.

His nostrils flared and his jaw clenched, seeing her upset over this prick time and time again was starting to really get on his last nerve.

"You'll be fine baby. I promise, I won't let him near you! Ste said you hit him good and proper, with a bit of luck he'll have had to get checked out and someone will have seen him and told to police. Then they'll know what area to look in." He rubbed soothing circles on her back hoping to calm her and stop her worrying. "Tomorrow is Thursday yeah?" She nodded. "How about I pack us some things while you're at work and Rosie is at school. Then on Friday, try finish early, we'll pick Rosie up from school and well go up to the lakes for the weekend. How does that sound?"

"Are you well enough for that kind of journey? I dont want you over doing it!"

"You can drive, I'll just chill out in the back with Bonny. Rosie can sit in the front with you. That way if I get a head ache or whatever I can just sleep it off."

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