Chapter Twenty-Three (NSFW)

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"Mum! Look! Were here!" An excited Rosie said looking out of the window of the aeroplane. She smiled at her excited little girl. Rosie took hold of her hand, "I can't wait to swim in the sea! Look how blue it is!"

"I can't wait to try out night time swimming...naked." A low husky voice whispered in Charlottes ear causing her to shudder and let out a giggle.

"Ben! I'm sat right here!" Ellie flicked him on the nose making him jump back.
They arrived at the Resort and were in the main reception waiting for the keys to their huts. William, Mary and Peter headed off to theirs. Followed closely by Steve and Tasha. Charlotte was stood at the desk with Rosie waiting for their key.

"Here you go banana man." Ellie whispered as she handed him hers and Adams key. "You best appreciate this because you owe us!"

"Yeah yeah! I had champagne put in there for you." He said as she took his key and walked off in the direction of their home for the next week.

"What number did you get?" He asked as Charlotte walked over towards him.

"Seven. You?" She smiled.

"Looks like were neighbours." He winked waving a key with the number eight on it, causing her to giggle. "Your mum said to meet them here at dinner time. I think Tash said her and Ste are going to some restaurant they went to on their honeymoon." He informed her as the three of them headed towards their huts.

"We'll see you later then?" She smiled up at him, giving him a little kiss on his cheek.

"Yeah, see you later." Giving her a toothy grin as he watched her walk with Rosie in to their room.

"Mum! Look at our room! I can see fish in the floor!"
Everyone had a nap and freshened up before heading out to dinner. Steve told the rest of the group that he and Tasha were off out and they'd see them all at some point the following day. The rest of the group were sat around a table overlooking the ocean, laughing and enjoying their food. Ben looked over at Charlotte to see she wasn't really joining in and just moving her food around on her plate.

"You alright over there Charl?" He asked drawing everyones attention to her. She looked up to see everyone watching her.

"Just a bit of a migraine coming". She shrugged. "Nothing a good nights sleep won't fix." She gave them a smile. Seeing Ellie hide a smirk behind her wine glass.

"Oh darling. Why don't you get yourself off to bed? Rosie can just sleep on the day-bed in our room. So that you can get a good sound sleep. We all know how much she talks in her sleep." They all laughed.

"No mum. I couldn't ask you to do that! It's yours and dads holiday too! You're not here to babysit." She protested.

"Its a good job you're not asking then!" Ellie said smiling.

"Its one-night Charlie. You don't want a bad head to linger for the whole time that we're here, do you?" Peter added with a caring smile.

Sighing in defeat, she placed her napkin and cutlery down on the table. Standing up from the table, she kissed Rosie on top of the head and bid them all good night. Ben watched her leave with concerned eyes as he took another drink of his beer.

Ellie checked her watch to see that forty-five minutes had passed instead of the agreed thirty. Giving Adam a knowing smile.

"Ben?" She called out making him look up. "Be an angel and go check on Charl. I would but there's a bar down the beach with our names on!" She smiled.

"Oh yes! Would you mind Ben? Id be awfully grateful." Mary touched his arm as she smiled at him.

"Erm...yeah, sure. Was going to head to bed anyway, I'll knock on and see if she's still awake."He said standing from the table. "Night all." Walking back towards their accommodation both worried about her and gutted that he wasn't going to be able to seduce her tonight.

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