Chapter 17

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"Can you start the electric mixer?" Luca asked me.

I nodded and flicked on the switch, the mixer stirring up the cake batter.

"What now?" I ask.

Luca shrugs. "We wait three minutes for it to be mixed well."

I sign and lean back on the edge of the counter. I decided to make different conversation that wasn't about baking while we wait.

"So, how far along are you?" I glance down at his bump.

He smiles. "I'll be 7 months in five days."

I give a shocked expression. "You're that far along already?"

Luca chuckles. "I know right? It's crazy how fast time passes."

"No it's just, when I first met you, you did not look six months along." I explain.

Im being completely honest with him here. He genuinely did not look that far along when I met him.

"It's because I'm small. And I like to wear loose clothes." He shrugs.

"Loose clothes are more comfortable. You can't argue with me on this." I agree.

Luca gives a breath of a laugh, and lifts his head up to see the batter. "You can turn off the mixer now." He points out.

I nod and flip the switch off, and unlock the top. I unscrew the bowl out of the mixer while Luca brings over a few cake pans.

"Can I ask you a question?" I look over at Luca, but he doesn't meet my gaze back to him due to scraping out the batter carefully with a spatula.

"Sure. Can't promise an answer though." I look back down to move the bowl over another circle pan.

"You've been ignoring Moretti for three days now?" He asks with a careful voice.

I hum back in affirmation.

"I've never seen him more, ah, what's the word? Smitten, with someone. What are you doing to change him?" He finishes scraping out the last of the batter into the pan.

"I'm changing him?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

Luca nods. "He's different. A good different."

He turns to put the pans into the oven to bake. I set down the bowl onto the counter and thoughts race through my head.

What does Luca mean by different? Surely I'm not changing him in any way.


That's not possible.

Vessel snorts. 'You're his mate, dipshit.'

I scrunch up my nose and block him out.

"I think you need to talk to him." Luca suggests.

I roll my eyes and begin putting dishes in the sink. "Until he talks to me about who this Elizabeth chick is, I'm not talking to him."

Luca gasps and drops a plate, it shattering when it hits the floor.

I turn around quickly to face him, and his face was drained of color.

"What?" I ask suspiciously.

"Elizabeth?" Luca tries for hide a tremor in his voice.

"You know her?" I lower my voice just in case any unwanted ears come nearby the kitchen.

"I've heard of her. Trust me, if that's what you're upset with Moretti about, let him come to you about it." He quickly looks around for a broom.

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