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-Four Months Later-

I finish buttoning up the little outfit I put on Gio. He gave me a big toothless smile as I picked him up and held him.

"Should we go check on your sister? Huh?" I ask him. He giggles.

I leave the room and go downstairs to the kitchen, where I see my mate and Riya. He hears me enter and smiles. "Good morning."

"Morning." I walk over to him and grab his tie, gently pulling him down so I don't have to stand on my toes to kiss him. Ansaldo smiles as he moves his lips against mine and takes control.

We break apart when we hear the kitchen door open, and Arina walks in, a worried expression on her face.

"Did you find him?" I ask my sister, but she shakes her head. "No, we lost his scent trail at a road. It just ends there, like he got in a car or something."

I bite my lip. Where in the world could have Kyle gone too?

I sigh as I set down Gio in a baby seat that was on the counter top, next to his sister Riya.

"It's been four months with no word from him. He's not coming back." Ansaldo sadly tells Arina.

"He's my fucking beta! I can't just give up my search on him! My pack needs him home." Frustrated, she pulls out a stool and sits on it, putting her head in her hands.

"Arina, we want to find Kyle as much as you do, but you can't keep rescheduling your flight back home. You have a pack to be in charge of." Ansaldo tries to reason.

"Besides, if he was picked up by a car or something, he might not even be in this country anymore. He's probably back in America." I chime in.

She sighs. "Yeah, Sorry. You guys are probably right."

"If worse comes to worse, you can ask Hannah and Kaydence to be a temporary fill in for the beta spot." I suggest.

She shakes her head. "That's not happening. Hannah's finally pregnant after a sperm donor, and they're going to need time off. I can't just ask them to do that when they already have something else going on."

Me and Ansaldo share a look. "We just had twins. Yet we're still here doing our job. Hannah and Kay will be just fine." My mate says, as he gives a whining Riya a pacifier.

"And what if they decline?" Arina tilts her head.

"Then give us a call. I'll be able to help you figure something out." Ansaldo gives her a friendly smile.

She breaths out a tiny laugh. "How long exactly have you been doing this alpha stuff?"

"About 500 years." Ansaldo shrugs, and I let out a loud laugh as Arina's jaw drops. "You've got to be kidding me."

"If I was kidding then we wouldn't have had a war with witches." He shrugs, and I try to calm down my laughter.

"You'll give me some tips right? Sometimes I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing." She rolls her eyes.

"Again, just give us a call. You're our top ally that this pack has now."

"More like the only ally." I mutter under my breath.

"What was that?" Ansaldo looks over at me, a glint in his eyes telling me that he knows exactly what I said.

"Nothing." I smile innocently at him.

"If you don't tell me what you said right now I'll-"

"You'll what?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"I'll spray whipped cream on you." He starts slowly walking towards the fridge.

"You wouldn't dare! I just got my stitches out two weeks ago, I can't run." I gasp.

"Then you better get a head start while you can." And he quickly opens the fridge.

I scream bloody murder as he quickly grabs a can, and I run as fast as I could without opening up my scar, but he quickly caught up to me, attacking me with the devils food.

"Ansaldo I swear! I'm divorcing you right now." I scream a useless threat as I try to shield my face by putting my hands close to the bottles nozzle.

That only sprayed it literally everywhere, including him, but he didn't care as much as I did considering he didn't hate the food.

After a few moments he stopped spraying it and threw it to the side.

I cross my arms and give him a not so nice glare.

"I'm sorry Tesoro." He tries not to laugh.

I don't respond, and only narrow my eyes.

"Will you forgive me?" He teases. I only shake my head.

"Liam." He gets serious.

"Annie." I smirk.

Without any warning, he tackles me, and I do a mix of a groan and a laugh "Ew, get off me! You're covered in whipped cream!" I struggle.

He only just holds onto my face as he quickly attacks me with a kiss.

Deciding to let go of our situation, I respond back, and he bites my bottom lip, requesting entrance.

I deny him.

The kiss muffled his growl, and he pressed his lips harder against mine. I find my hands traveling up to his hair and I run my fingers through it.

Not satisfied, he trails down to my mark, and plants a few kisses there, and it immediately sent intense waves of shock and pleasure through my body.

"Sal, don't tease me like that." I push at his chest, but not hard enough so he gets off of me.

He opens his mouth to reply, but we're cut off by a shriek of surprise.

We both look over to the entrance of the room we were in, and Malik looks horrified with his own year old daughter in his arms. He quickly uses his hand and covers her eyes.

"Stop making me walk in on all of your guys' sexual tension moments!"

Me and Ansaldo share a glance, and we both burst out laughing.

"Oh god, it's even worse when you're covered in white stuff!" He notices.

Ansaldo finally gets off of me, and I sit up. He points to the can of whipped cream.

"It's whipped cream Malik! Get your mind out of the gutter." Ansaldo accuses.

Malik pouts. "You guys ruined whipped cream for me."

We hear another laugh sound from behind Malik, and Luca makes his way into the room.

"Stop being so dramatic. They're just having fun." Luca flicks Malik on his forehead.

Malik leans down to whisper something in Lucas ear, and his face quickly turns red.

I soak in this moment, silently thanking the moon goddess in my head for giving me everyone in my life.

I smile at Ansaldo, and he gives me one back.

Everything is perfect.


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