Chapter 26

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"And you have everything packed?" My mom triple checks with me.

I roll my eyes and nod. "I have everything. Don't worry."

He breathes in relief and smiles. "Call often. Please."

I nod and quickly hug him. He squeezes me tightly. "He's going to be so happy to see you." Mom whispers.

"Alright tyler, can I have a turn?" My dad jumps in, and we break our hug.

Mom chuckles and I hug my dad quickly.

"Now boarding flight G59 to Rome, Italy." The flight attendant announces over the gate intercom.

I give my dad one last squeeze before we break apart, and I turn around to get in line to board the flight.

As giddy as I felt since yesterday when I booked my ticket after the conversation and through the ride here, I no longer felt that way.

I felt tired, and like I could sleep for years. That's probably what I'm going to do on my 13 hour flight. Sleep.

I put my luggage properly away, and settle down in the plane. I wait for instructions before I put in my headphones, blaring 'blinded by the lights' by Dan Caplen.

I let the music envelop my mind, drifting off into a peaceful sleep I desperately needed.


If I wasn't sleeping or eating, I was studying anatomy on the plane. It was a long flight, after all.

But after 13 hours, we finally touched down and I couldn't be more relieved to be out of that damn sky.

I still hate heights.

I get off the plane and somehow manage to find my luggage in the airport. I almost cheer in happiness when I could finally get a ride over to the pack house.

I quickly find an Uber, and the driver probably thought I was just another tourist crazed american.

It's about another half hour drive before the house that I first hated, and now have grown to immensely love, appeared in my view.

Once the driver drops me off, after really harsh security, I pay and quickly take my stuff out of the car.

Walking carefully up to to the front door, I softly knock.

Anxiously bouncing on the balls of my feet, the door finally opens.

A stunned Malik stood in front of me, and he opened his mouth to say something. But I quickly rush forward and cover his mouth with my hand before he can make a sound.

"Sh, don't announce me here. Just tell me where Ansaldo is." I whisper.

He licks my hand, and I quickly groan and pull my hand off his face.

"That's disgusting." I scowl.

"You should know better then to do that with me." He simply chuckles.

I roll my eyes, but smile. I missed him and his child-like personality.

"Anyways, Ansaldo?" I raise a brow.

"Oh, right! He spends a lot of time in the library lately. Try there." He properly lets me in, and helps me with my stuff.

"Really? Has he not been playing much music?" I tilt my head.

Malik frowns. "Sadly, no. But that's not the point. I'll take your stuff over into Ansaldos room, if that's alright?" He offers.

I nod gratefully. "That'd be great, thank you."

He nods and takes my stuff, disappearing down another hallway.

Quickly, I softly jot down the hallway leading to the library.

I pause at the closed double doors.

What if he doesn't want me back here? What if he found someone else?

Vessel whines in my head.

'He would never do that.'

But what if he would?

'Well he hasn't, or else you would've easily felt it.' Vessel points out.

Ok, fair.

I stop my hesitation and quietly open one of the doors, stepping inside the familiar room I loved to spend so much time in.

His scent that I've grown so addicted too flooded into my nose.

I really wanted to surprise him, so I put on a scent mask.

Now where could he be in here? Certainly not at a table. He's not one to sit down properly and read.

I know. It might be against the shelves, in my favorite section. Whenever we were in the library at the same time, it was always that spot.

I tiptoe over to the section, and peer over a shelf.

Sure enough, he's there. Not reading, just sitting. Staring straight ahead of him at the other bookshelf.

I take a deep breath and very quietly walk over to him, and sit down. Ansalsos too far into his head to notice me.

I turn my head and look at him, and that's when he snaps out of his daze.

He turns his head to look at me, and I give a very tiny smile.


Even after thinking over and over on what I was going to say to him on the plane, I couldn't find the words.

"I'm not dreaming?" Ansaldo asks, clearly stunned.

"No. You seem pretty awake to me." I shrug.

He studies me for a moment, blinking a few times. I'm not exactly sure if he thinks I'm real, or if he doesn't want me here and doesn't know how to say it.

I begin to grow worried.

"Sal?" I just kinda throw out a new name for me to call him.

Suddenly, it's like something switched in his mind.

He quickly wraps his arms around my smaller frame and pulls me into his lap.

I find my arms quickly holding him as well, my head in his neck.

One of his hands runs through my hair, and he keeps muttering that Italian saying happily.

I close my eyes and let myself enjoy this moment closely.

Eventually, I pull my head from is neck and find myself looking into his beautiful eyes.

He doesn't waste another moment, and leans up to connect our lips.

My arms snake their way around his neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss.

I wasn't clearly sure how exactly to describe the feelings wrapped into our action. Too many feelings flooded the both of us.

Both sadness and happiness. Relief. Sorrow. Forgiveness, and something else I never quite experienced before.

Reluctantly, I pulled away.

"I'm so sorry." My eyes began to water.

He shook his head, and kissed me once more. "Just please, don't leave me again." Is all he requests.

I nod, my blurry and tearful vision subsiding.

"I won't. And that's a promise."

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