Chapter 35

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Me and Ansaldo were woken up by Malik bursting into the room, the door slamming against the wall, and turning on the bright lights.

"What the hel-" I mutter as I use my hand to shield the sudden brightness from the lights from my eyes.

"Elizabeth's attacking." Malik yelled, a panicked look on his face, and he ran out of the room before we could say anything else.

That's when I heard it.

Snarls, growls, yelling and fighting from outside.

Ansaldo was already out of the bed, putting on clothes. "Liam, get to the safe room, and take Luca with you, now!" He ordered.

"No! I want to fight!" I got out of the bed, putting on sweatpants, and looking at the clock.

2:47 am.

Holy shit Elizabeth. Now?

"In what condition are you able to fight?" Ansaldo argues.

"I'm perfectly capable enough to fight." I growl.

"You are pregnant! With twins! I'll be damned if I let you fight." He challenges.

Oh yeah. I'm pregnant. Totally forgot about that for a moment.

Ansaldos eyes cloud over for a second, before coming back to reality. "Lucas coming to get you. I'm not letting you fight. Understood?" He doesn't even phrase it like a question.

I sigh, clearly frustrated. Luca rushes in right then, and he grabs my upper arm.

"Come on, we have to go, now!"

I was about to protest once again, but Ansaldo shifted and is running outside, and I'm being led in a complete opposite direction.

'Need to go help. Now.' Vessel tries to tell me.

I wish we could vessel, but think of our pups.

'Need to protect mate We need to help the pack.' Vessel argues

Not now!

Luca shoves me inside a room, guarded by a giant steel vault like door, and he shuts it before I can run outside.

"Let me out!" Vessel pulls through, and I can't shove him back.

"Liam, control your wolf, bows not the time for you to be fighting. You can help protect the pack in here." He turns us around, and sure enough, there were other small children, expecting mothers, and elders in here.

"Let's hope everyone is in here." Luca mutters, and moves past me, vessel loosing control.

He's looking around, before his eyes stop on a certain woman with dark skin and medium dark brown hair.

"Yolanda," he begins, worry in his tone. "Where is Nico?" His voice shakes.

She opens her mouth, but Luca interrupts

"I told you to grab my daughter. Where is she?" He threatens.

"Luca, I'm sure he's here, let's just ask around." I put my hand on his shoulder, but he shakes it off. "This room isn't big, Liam! Everyone besides my pup is in here!"

And before I can grab him, he types a password into the vault door and runs outside, leaving it slightly ajar.

I panic, and look around, pointing at a mother with her two pups. "You! You're in charge until either Luca or I get back. Make sure everyone is safe and accounted for."

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