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I typed in "Cleverbot" on google.

Yep, I'm summoning BEN downed.

I had my friend Cassie on FaceTime, and I was gonna prove to her that I'm not a pussy.

"You're totally scared of BEN." She laughed.

"No I'm not! Shut up!" I yelled, tears in my eyes.

I'm a bit of a crybaby when it comes to scary stuff, I cried while watching Gremlins the other day.

And that movie isn't even that scary, I only cried because it scared me as a kid.

"(Y/N), just admit you're a pussy and move on. You have tears rolling down your face." She shook her head.

I wiped the tears away and stared down at my phone.

"I'm not a pussy." I said.

"Whatever, just don't come crying to me when something spooky happens. And by spooky I mean nothing because BEN isn't real." She teased.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up." I rolled my eyes and clicked on the Cleverbot link.

I typed into the text bar 'Ben, how did you drown?'

I sat and waited, seeing a response pop up.

'What? I'm sorry, I don't understand.'

"Nothing happened..." I said, wiping more tears off of my cheeks.

"See? What did I tell you, nothing spooky is gonna happen. Anyways, I'm gonna go to sleep. See you tomorrow." She said.

"Yeah, night Cass." I wiped my eyes again and waved before clicking the 'end call' button.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair.

I glanced at my computer screen and noticed a new message.

'You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?'

My heart immediately sank, and fresh tears formed again.

"No, no, no, no! This isn't real. This isn't real." I whispered to myself, closing the application and shutting off the computer.

I quickly ran downstairs and flipped on every light I could.

"Mom!" I yelled, bursting into her room.

She jolted awake and glared at me.

"Why are you up? It's- 3 in the morning!" She glanced at her clock angrily.

"I had a nightmare." I wiped a tear away.

"(Y/N), this is getting ridiculous. You're 18. You're in college! These stupid nightmares of yours shouldn't be a problem at your age." She sighed, scooting over in her bed.

I sat down next to her and nodded.

"I know, I just can't help it." I said quietly.

"It's alright, go to sleep now." She smiled and laid back down.

Oh my god that's Jeff the Killers catchphrase.

This is it, I'm gonna die tonight.

I gulped and closed my eyes, trying to forget what happened.

"(Y/N)." I heard a whisper in my ear.

My eyes opened and I could feel a few tears fall from my eyes.

God I'm such a cry baby.

"Why the tears? The games only began." I heard the whisper again, and this time I looked over at my mom.

She's already fast asleep, and it didn't come from that side of me.

I peered over the corner of the bed, immediately regretting it as I saw a shadow.

"No! God dammit!" I whispered, hiding under the covers.

"(Y/N), stop moving around so much." My mom mumbled.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

He's not real, BEN isn't real.

I kept repeating that in my head, trying not to have a full-on breakdown.

Eventually, morning came.

The sunlight bled through the blinds, and my mom left for work.

I had a class at 9, and it was only 7, so I had some time.

I went back up to my room and when I walked in, I saw that my computer was on, a program had been loaded up.

I cautiously walked over, already feeling the tears in my eyes.

It was blank, except for a blinking bar, which began to type out a message.

'Hello (Y/N).'

"W-what the hell is this?" I mumbled.

It repeated itself.

'Hello (Y/N).'

Then added to the message.

'Respond. Now.'

I went to type, but the blinking line began typing again.

'Say your responses out loud.'

"Um... okay?" I said, my voice shaky.

'Let's begin again. Hello (Y/N).'


'Aren't you going to ask who I am?'

"Who are you?"

'BEN. You summoned me. Why?'

My eyes widened and I fell out of my chair, hot tears flowing freely down my face.

'No need to be scared, (Y/N). I won't hurt you. Yet.'

"P-please don't kill me! I didn't mean to summon you! I don't want to die!" I yelled, crying.

'I won't kill you unless you ask me to. You can ask one thing of me, anything you wish.'

I could ask for him to make me less of a cry baby.

But what if he just kills me after.

'I know what you're thinking, and no, I won't kill you after I do what you ask. I only want one thing in return.'

"Um- okay... what is it?"

'Play a game with me.'

Cry Baby - BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now