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Jack and I talked for a couple more hours.

BEN kept pouting, and would pull on my sleeve to try and get my attention.

"(Y/N)!!!! Send him home!! I wanna watch more Disney movies with you!" He whined.

"BEN, you sound like a cranky toddler. Here, play games on my phone or something." I said, handing him my phone.

He glared at me before grabbing the device out of my hand.

He laid his head down on my lap, and held my phone right over his face.

"You're gonna end up dropping that phone on your face." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah, hurry up and finish talking with Jack." He said.

"You little brat." I mumbled.

"So anyways Jack, continue what you were saying." I said, focusing my attention again.

BEN suddenly grabbed my hand and put it on his head.

"Play with my hair, please?" He begged.

I glared at him and ran my fingers through his hair.

Just to get him to shut up.

Don't get any ideas.

"Yes, organs have a different flavor depending on where they're located in the body, the higher up, the sweeter, the lower down, the more sour. And in the middle are the best, they're the ones that have a solid balance between the two." Jack said.

"Hm. Does the persons health make the flavors more apparent?" I asked.

"Yes, actually. The less healthy they are, the less flavor their organs have. I think it's due to health problems, but some healthy people also lose flavor. I've found that a good middle ground is the best. Not to be weird, but your organs would probably make one of the best meals I've found. I won't be cutting you open, but I figured you should know." He explained.

"OW!" BEN yelled.

I jumped a bit and looked down, seeing that he dropped my phone onto his nose.

"I think it's broke." BEN said.

"Oh, it is not." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Let me see." I grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face.

"It looks normal to me. Jack, you're kind of a doctor, right? Think you can check?" I asked.

"Sure." Jack said, leaning down next to BEN.

He gently felt BEN's nose and shook his head.

"It's not broken. But it will most likely bruise." He said.

"Yeah, thanks a lot. Captain obvious." BEN mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"BEN, be nice to Jack. He's our guest." I scolded him.

"Sorry." BEN mumbled, looking up at me.

"I should probably be getting back to the mansion." Jack announced, standing up.

I moved BEN's head off of my lap, much to his dismay.

"Hey! I wasn't done with that!" BEN yelled, standing up.

"Shut up, BEN." I rolled my eyes.

Jack started to head upstairs, with me following close behind.

I jumped a bit when I felt BEN's hand grab onto mine.

"Can you stop being a jealous little shit for 5 minutes?" I asked.

"I could. Doesn't mean I will, or want to." He said, smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes once again.

Jack said goodbye and I tried to give him a hug, but BEN wouldn't let me go.

I waved at Jack as he hopped back into the computer.

BEN quickly ran over to the computer monitor and unplugged it, then put it face-down on its screen.

"There. That takes care of them. At least until I plug it back in." BEN said.

I laughed a bit and shook my head at him.

"Okay! Movie time!" He announced, grabbing my hand and dragging me over to my bed.

"Sit." He commanded.

I went to argue with him, but decided that I didn't really care enough to argue.

BEN grabbed the remote then sat down next to me.

He forced me closer to him, then wrapped an arm around me.

"Are you just gonna do this every night, or do I have another option?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, your other option is a little more... intimate." He said, glancing down at me.

"You're such a perv." I mumbled.

"Yeah, but somehow you find that incredibly attractive." He winked.

"No, I don't believe I do." I shook my head.

"That's not what Jeff said." BEN mumbled.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, sitting up.

I felt my face get hot and I looked away.


"NO! YOU ARE NOT!!" I screamed, getting off of the bed.


"NO!" I yelled, quickly running to the bathroom.

I locked the door behind me and sat down on the toilet lid.

I could hear BEN on the other side of the door.

"You do realize that a door isn't gonna stop me, right?" He asked, chuckling.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, making me take it out to check it.

Suddenly, BEN materialized right in front of me.

"Shit." I cursed.

"So, you're in love with me?" BEN asked.

"No." I said sternly.

"I'm not in love with you, and I don't even know if I actually have a crush on you or not. And don't start teasing me about it, either." I said.

"You're totally in love with me." He teased.

"I literally just told you not to tease me." I groaned.

"That wasn't teasing, that was stating a fact about you." He laughed.

"Whatever, you're stupid." I rolled my eyes.

I opened the door to the bathroom and walked back to my room, BEN of course following close behind me.

"BEN, stop following me around." I said.

"Nope. Now that I know you're hopelessly in love with me, I'm going to be even closer to you." He cooed.

"Oh, great." I said sarcastically.

I took my phone out of my pocket and texted the group chat.

Me: BEN says I'm in love with him. Jeff, explain before I come after you.

Stabby boi: i didnt tell him shit

Best Bean: Jeff!! What did you do?!

Stabby boi: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!

Jacky: Do you need me to come over and talk with him, (Y/N)?

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