Hold Me Closer

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Jeff, BEN, Toby and I all spent a few hours together before they had to go back.

"So any progress with Cassie?" I asked.

"Yeah, we picked up her body yesterday, so tonight Slender is going to prepare the ceremony. He said you can come if you want." Jeff said.

"Really? That would be great. So is it happening tomorrow?" I questioned.

"Yeah, tomorrow night. I'll come and get you and BEN before the ceremony." He said.

"Thank you. This means more than you know." I said quietly, pulling him into a hug.

He patted my back awkwardly.

"(Y/N), wanna watch another movie tonight?" BEN asked, grabbing my arm.

"BEN, you do realize that we don't have to watch a movie every night." I sighed.

"Yeah, I know. But it's the only way you'll let me cuddle you." He mumbled.

I facepalmed and rolled my eyes.

"You guys cuddle?" Toby asked.

Before I could say anything, BEN interrupted.

"Yeah, every night. And I spoon her while she sleeps, too." He said proudly, glancing at Jeff.

"Who's the one who went on the date with her, again? Oh, oh, that's right. Me." Jeff said, standing up.

BEN stood up too, challenging Jeff.

"Boys, boys, calm down. Neither of you are dateable." I said, stepping between them.

"What?!" BEN yelled.

"Hah!" Jeff laughed.

"Jeff, you're only happy about that because that means neither of you have a chance. I, on the other hand..." Toby said, standing up and grabbing my hand.

"...have all the chances possible. I can cook, clean, love to cuddle, look socially acceptable at all times, and I have a completely free schedule. Which means I have all the time in the world to love (Y/N)." He explained proudly.

"Toby, no offense, but I wouldn't date you either." I said, taking my hand out of his.

He looked like he was about to cry, and silently sat back down.

"Don't cry! I'm sorry! I love you, I really do! I just couldn't date you." I said, quickly apologizing.

"It's okay, I get it." He sniffled.

"Awww! Toby!" I yelled, flopping into the couch next to him and hugging him.

Jeff and BEN just stood there and watched us, their mouths agape.

"And that, my dear boys, is how to score brownie points." Toby said, standing up again.

His tears were completely dry and he had a proud smile plastered on his face.

"What? But- I thought you were upset. Wait did you trick me?!" I yelled, annoyed.

"Sorry, (Y/N). But you should know, I'm hella gay." Toby smiled.

"What the fuck is going on today..?" I muttered, confused.

"Oh, Slender is calling for us, Jeff. We have to head back." Toby announced, grabbing his hoodie from off of the couch.

"Ok, sure." Jeff whispered for himself.

"Bye Jeff! Bye Toby! I love you!" I yelled.

"Bye (Y/N)! Love you too!" Toby yelled back, waving.

Jeff just lazily waved and followed Toby.

"So, (Y/N), about that movie." BEN said, grabbing my hand.

"BEN, you're honestly hopeless." I shook my head.

BEN pulled me up the stairs and pushed me onto the bed, and grabbed my TV remote.

He flopped down next to me and wrapped an arm around me.

I sighed and gave in, laying my head on his shoulder.

He froze like a statue and didn't move for a solid 30 seconds.

"You okay?" I asked, sitting up.

"Lay back down." He commanded, not looking at me.

"What-" He interrupted me again.

"Lay your head back down." He demanded again.

I gave him and weird look, but did what he asked.

"You really need to not be so weird about this." I whispered to myself.

"I'm not being weird." He said quickly.

"You totally are. I mean why is it such a big deal?" I questioned.

"Because you're actually cuddling back. That's a rare occurrence." He said.

"I guess, but you don't have to be so tense." I said.

"Can you pick a movie already?" I groaned.

"Let's watch a scary movie." He suggested.

"Alright, but pick a good one." I agreed.

He clicked on "Annabell" and set the remote down.

Before the scary stuff even started happening, I found myself getting freaked out.

I grabbed onto BEN like my life depended on it.

"I knew you were a pussy when it came to scary stuff, but nothings even happened yet." He said, looking down at me.

"I know." I said, tears in my eyes.

He smiled a bit and pulled me closer.

"It's alright. This was all part of the plan. And it's going better than expected." He whispered quietly to himself.

"What plan?" I asked.

"Shhhh, don't worry about it. You just keep holding onto me." He said quietly, stroking my hair.

"You're fucking wei- HOLY SHIT THATS HER." I yelled, grabbing onto his shirt.

He laughed a bit and pulled the blanket over my eyes.

Maybe he is the one I'm looking for.

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