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After BEN nearly caused a kitchen fire, I decided I'd just make breakfast, but he insisted on helping me.

"Okay, so first, you put butter on the pan, and make sure it's hot enough to melt the butter, but not burn your eggs. About here should be good." I said, turning the stove on and pointing at a line.

"Okay. Got it. What next?" He asked.

"Grab the eggs, and a measuring cup. Along with the milk, salt, and pepper." I instructed.

"Okay!" He said, eagerly grabbing the items.

"Alright, now how many eggs do you want? And how do you want them cooked?" I questioned.

"Whatever and however many you're having." He smiled.

"Okay, so 2, and scrambled." I mumbled.

I cracked the eggs open and put in the additives, then mixed.

BEN was right behind me, looking over my shoulder, and watching every move I made.

"So why do you want to learn all this again?" I asked, pouring the eggs into the pan.

"So I can make you and our kids breakfast." He said casually.

I nearly choked on my own spit.

"What?!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked.

"First of all, we aren't having kids because we aren't a couple, nor are we in love. Secondly, I don't need you to make me breakfast." I said.

"3 problems with that, 1) we are in love. 2) we are having kids, because we're in love. And 3) I don't care if you need me to or not, because I want to." He said, holding up 3 fingers.

"BEN, do you ever give up?" I sighed.

"Nope. Get used to it." He said, grabbing me from behind.

"Let go or I'll flip the eggs onto your face." I threatened.

"I know what else I want on my face." He smirked, winking at me.

"You're a pig." I rolled my eyes.

I finished making our plates, and grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge.

I set our plates down on the table and grabbed 2 glasses out of the cupboard.

"Want some orange juice?" I asked.

"Sure." He said happily.

I poured us both and glass and sat his down by his plate.

"Wow, you're such wifey material." He cooed.

"Shut up." I mumbled, taking a bite.

We finished breakfast and I went into the living room, BEN following close behind me.

"Why do you always follow me around?" I sighed.

"Because I like to watch your butt while you walk." He admitted, looking at my boobs.

"You're literally so disgusting." I mumbled, smacking him in the back of the head.

"Owww!" He groaned.

"I'm gonna go text Jeff." I said, flipping him off while I walked upstairs.

"What?! What does he have that I don't!?" BEN yelled.

"Respect for women!" I yelled back.

I grabbed my phone and sat down on my bed, opening my messages.

Me: Jeff can we hang out today?

Stabby boi: sure. is ben being annoying again?

Me: Yeah :(

Cry Baby - BEN Drowned x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz