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"(Y/N)!" I looked at the crowd and saw a young girl, maybe 7 or 8, carrying a teddy bear.

She pushed her way past the front of the crowd and ran to me, hugging my waist.

"Um... hi there?" I awkwardly patted her head.

"Sally, what did Slender say about hugging her?" Toby asked.

"That I can't do it because she doesn't know me yet." Sally recited.

"And what are you doing right now?" Toby questioned, his eyebrow raised.

"Hugging her even though she doesn't know me yet." She said happily.

BEN peeled her arms off of me and picked her up, walking her back over to the crowd.

Someone grabbed her from him and walked away with her.

"Um- why is there a little kid in a place like this? No offense, of course, it's a lovely house but the people in it-" Toby cut me off.

"I get what you're trying to say. And she's here because she's just like all of us. Just a bit younger." He explained.

"She- she kills people?" I whisper-yelled.

Toby nodded.

"Oh my god." I mumbled to myself.

BEN finally managed to get everyone away from the door, and back to their own businesses.

"Okay. That takes care of that." He mumbled, closing the door.

"Toby, wanna help me unpack?" I asked.

"Sure." He shrugged, getting started.

We spent about 20 minutes unpacking before BEN got tired of him and kicked him out.

"Sorry about him, love you!" I yelled after Toby.

He waved and blew me a kiss before closing the door behind him.

I sighed and sat down on the bed, laying back.

BEN joined me and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

I smiled a bit and sighed again.

"You wanna go meet everyone else? Or do you just wanna make out?" He questioned.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, him coming up with me.

"One or the other. Unless you want to make out in front of everyone...? That's kinky." He winked.

"No. I want to go meet everyone." I raised an eyebrow and stood up.

BEN continued to hold my hand and walked me downstairs.

He led me into the living room, where a bunch of people were sitting around doing random things.

Playing video games, sitting on the couch talking, or just sitting there on their phones, one person was reading a book in the corner, sitting on a large bean bag chair.

BEN pulled me along behind him and cleared his throat loudly, causing everyone's attention to focus on us.

"Everyone, meet (Y/N). (Y/N), meet everyone." BEN said, gesturing to the room of people.

"Well this isn't really everyone, but it's the people who are home the most." He clarified.

The person who was reading the book stood up and tossed the book onto the chair.

I now recognized that person as Jack.

"Jack!" I yelled, waving.

He waved back and made his way over to us, weaving around the coffee table.

Once he finally made it to us, I gave him a big hug, which he awkwardly returned by patting my back gently.

Once I let go, I noticed everyone was staring at me.

I felt a bit self conscious and stepped behind BEN, letting him take the lead.

"Alright people, (Y/N) is nervous, new, and scared of almost all of you. So don't be an asshole or overbearing." He said.

I grabbed the back of his shirt and buried my face into it.

I could feel the chills that I sent down his spine, making me smile a bit.

The people all stood up and formed a line in front of BEN.

"Alright, just introduce yourself." BEN said.

I nodded and stepped in front of him, holding out my hand for the person to shake.

The first person was a girl with black hair, and a mask with feminine features painted on.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." I smiled as she took my hand hand gently shook it.

"I'm Jane." She said.

She stepped back and let another person move to the front.

After about 15 minutes of meeting people, the line was down to one.

I held my hand out, just as I did the first time, and said my name.

"I'm Clockwork." She said.

The clock lodged into her eye ticked, making me wonder how she changed the batteries.

It didn't really freak me out considering the oddities I had seen thus far.

I didn't want to seem rude, so I didn't stare at it.

She smiled and walked over to Jane.

Jane wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, making Clockwork blush a bit.

I smiled at the couple and turned to face BEN.

"Well, I think that's everyone you need to know. At least for now." He said.

"I'm exhausted." I huffed.

"If you get tired from that then how are you supposed to last-" I cut him off.

"Shut up. No sex jokes." I raised an eyebrow.

"You're no fun." He whined.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand.

He led me around the house, showing me the kitchen, bathrooms, and common areas that I would be around a lot.

He also took the time to show me everyone's rooms, including Toby, Jack, and Slenderman's office.

"Where's Jeff's room?" I asked, looking up at BEN.

"You don't need to know." He said.

"Fine. I'll just ask Toby later." I muttered.

"I don't want you hanging out with Jeff." BEN said.

"Jeff is my friend. I have a right to hang out with my friends, whether you like them or not. Nothing is ever going to happen between Jeff and I. You don't need to be a jealous asshole." I stopped walking and dropped his hand.

"I'm not worried about you doing something, I'm worried about him. I know you aren't like that, but he is. He could try to make a move on you." BEN said.

"Look, BEN, Jeff is a good guy. He wouldn't do anything like that. And even if he did, I can take care of myself. I know how to fight, my mom made me take lessons as soon as I started going out by myself." I took his hand in mine again to reassure him.

"Just make sure you're careful. Jeff might look skinny and weak, but he's dangerous. He's killed so many people that even Slenderman can't keep up. He could, and would hurt you." He said.

"I'll be fine, BEN. Jeff is my friend, he wouldn't ever hurt me." I smiled softly at him and squeezed his hand.

"If you're so sure." BEN muttered.

Cry Baby - BEN Drowned x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now