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                                                                Christopher's P.O.V.

I stretch out my limbs before yawning. I crawl out from under Alex, where she is spread out across my torso. I give her forehead a little peck before unzipping the tent to retrieve new clothes for today. I walk over the the wood's clearing, and inhale in.

I strip from my clothes, and close my eyes, letting the change take over. When my thoughts become fuzzled, and I slowly open my eyes. Everything is in similar shades of black, white, and grey. I swiftly let my paws glide my body around the woods.

The anger starts to resurface from yesterday's scenes. I let out a loud growl, and slam my large, furry body into a tree's base. I feel the power gain with each hit. Nothing stops me as I fall to the ground, out of breath. The pain dulls aside, and I change back form. The pain subsides in human form, and I grow very tired. I  sleepily close my eyes, and let sleep take over.


                                                                Alex's P.O.V.

I yawn and slowly retract my limbs into a small ball. I look around the tent, but Christopher is not to be seen. Where is he?,I question myself. I quietly rise, and stretch my arm over my head. I look down to my  bare legs, and see they are still lightly swollen and bruised, but nothing major. I lift my shirt, to reveal a dark purple and black bruise, but no protruding ribs or any dried blood from my accident. I push the blankets aside, and go to unzip the tent, but it already is open.

Why the hel-...I get cut off by a loud, and vicious growl. My chest aches when I realize its Christopher's growl. I quickly peek my head out of the side of the tent, but see nothing. I crawl out of the tent and stand back up again.

The sun has barley risen over the trees, indicating its still early in the morning. I look around and see no one awake or eating. A fire is still bristling in ashes, and fumes swarm the now dying fire every so often. I walk over to a little box, and open it slightly, peering into its contents. The box is cool, and a frosty wind flows out of it. I pick up a cold carton of eggs, and a bag of frozen bread.

I walk over to a little plastic bin, and pull out seven plates, forks, and bottles of orange juice. I set them all out over the little box. I walk over to the fire and blow air to it trying to bring life to it.  The coals tremble to life before lighting up. I fan it over with my hand before it sparks up and a ball of fire bursts to the top. I smile in achievement.

I walk over to the box, and pick up a frying pan from behind the box. I lay it over a little metal barred cage above the fire and throw a small strip of butter into it. As the butter melts, I reach over to the box and open the egg carton. I lift three eggs carefully from the carton. I break one over the pan and drop the little yellow ball into the pan. Two more later, and the smell of eggs flow freely through the cool morning air. I flip the eggs constantly with a little metal spatula.

I grab a plate and pick up the eggs. Without breaking the yolks, I lay them flat onto the egg. I set the plate onto a log and assist the other eggs in the full carton.

                                                Christopher's P.O.V. (Again)..

I wake up again to the smell of cooking eggs. My stomach rumbles as the scent courses to my nose. I scramble off the ground and sprint to the camp. I make a pit stop to my clothes and quickly throw them back on again. I jog over to the fire, where a humming Alex is cooking. I grin to myself as she smoothly rocks her hips from side to side. This gesture I've seen many of times before when I used to watch her. I quietly walk up behind her and snatch the spatula from her grasp. She tenses up, and swerves around to meet me. She giggles noticing my presence behind her. She stares into my eyes as I look into her beautiful baby blues. I lean in to give her a kiss when she pushes me away. She snatches the spatula back and turns back around.

I laugh at her little trick and peck her cheek before walking over to the log which held four plates full of eggs and buttery bread. A deep growl rumbles in my throat when I look at the mouth watering breakfast in front of me. I snatch a plate and grab a fork. I stab the food aggressively and quickly. I shove the food into my already drooling mouth and moan in pleasure as the fresh food touches my taste buds. I stuff four bites in my mouth and choke a little before resuming my actions.  I groan as I realize I ate the last of my food.

I look over to Alex who is watching me with wide eyes set in amusement. I laugh at her reaction of my pig eating. When I'm about to reach over to grab the second plate to my right, and hand smacks mine away and lift the plate away from my reach. I look up eagerly to see a grinning Alex holding the plate above my head. "No Christopher. This is the packs food. You already ate you pig.", she mocks.

I stifle a growl and hurriedly pull her into me. I kiss her soft lips hard and pull back. She slightly jumps from my rough actions before pulling me back for more. Before she can hungrily kiss me again, I snatch the plate away from her reach, and grab a fork. She grumpily stares at me, and I give her a grin.

I can tell this will be a long day ahead of us.

Pure PawsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon