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                                                                        *Christopher's P.O.V.*

Its been forty minutes I've been at the food court, playing with my food. I wanted so badly to go back into the store and watch Alex intently as she stared at the glorious sight of on sale merchandise. I smiled just thinking about her getting excited over jewelry. I was deep in thought when I heard someone cough awkwardly and slide into the seat across from me.

I looked up in annoyance, ready to tell the person to 'Fuck off', when I noticed a girl around Alex's age staring back at me in awe. Her mouth was hung ajar, but quickly closed when she noticed me staring at her with a cross between annoyance and confusion.

She cleared her throat before speaking, "Hey. I'm Jenny." I looked at her expression carefully because something was tingling inside of me, itching to get far away from this girl, yet I stayed seated.

"Hey.", I stated awkwardly. "May I help you?", my question came off rather rudely. She flinched at my tone but quickly regained herself. "Yeah. I'm just gonna cut to the chase. I know what you are and who your mate is. Don't think I haven't noticed a certain person's disappearance from my school. I've been watching you, at least from a distance.", she stated matter of factly.

"I don't know what your talking about, 'Jenny'.", I stated back seriously, not wanting this human to leak out my secret if I confessed. "I know you know what I'm talking about. Me and my friend both know. We know Alex is your mate, and your a wer-", she tried to say before I reached across the table and slapped a hand over her mouth to quiet her loud talking down.

She grunted and tore my hand of her mouth, bubbling with anger. "I'll make you a deal. I'll talk to you if you shut up and follow me to somewhere private.", I whispered, leaning across the table to get to her eye level. Her lips curved up into a smirk and she laughed dryly. "Why not talk about this here, were-boy?", she teased un amusedly. I kept back a growl that clawed its way to the surface of my throat. Her smirk widened when I huffed out in annoyance.

I aburdly stood up and grabbed her wrist, pulling her small, petite frame by my towering one. I pulled her along as I made my way towards a picture booth that was hidden in the corner of the food court, for those sappy couples who wanted to make memories last.

I grinned, iimagining going to one with Alex to take cute, sappy coupley photos in. When we arrived at the small red curtain, I pushed it aside and quickly shoved the human into the booth, and following her in, shutting the curtain closed behind us. She sat down on a bench as I stood towering over her.

"Now, what would you like to talk about?", I asked her flatly. She pointed her long, manicured finger towards her chin, acting like she was thinking. "Oh, yeah. I remember now. Where were we dog, oh yeah..Alex.", her tone was dripping with envy and jealously. I narrowed my eyes at her, smelling the fear that reeked radiated off her body. She gulped before continuing. "I know shes your mate. I want to know why she just magically disappeared from school and stopped talking to me.", she asked.

I cocked my head to the side, wondering why she thought she had the right to interrogate me. "Listen, I don't know what your talking about with the whole 'Alex disappearing from school thing', but id like to know why you think shes my mate and why you think I'm a wolf." She paused for a moment, searching for lost words that couldn't make their way up to her throat.

"I don't need to tell you anything dog.", she sneered. I angrily stomped my foot into the ground and let a rough growl escape my heaving chest. I brought my large pointer finger to her chest and roughly poked it with a menacing scowl.

"Don't think you can waltz into my business and question me around you filthy human. I ask the questions around here, and I want to know why the fuck you know who Alex is and how you know about my life.", I spat out angrily as she shrunk back into the seat, trembling at the touch. I removed my finger from her chest and stepped back once, giving us enough room for her to explain.

"Y-you cant tell me w-what to do!", she cried out in fear and anger. I grinned at her try at being intimidating. "Sweetheart, I can break your neck right now if I wanted too.

If I were you, I'd find the nearest train station and buy a ticket, because you just made it on my threat list.", I said. She looked at me with worry and coughed to cover her whiny whimper. "Tell me where Alex is, NOW!", she roared angrily.

I said one sentence before spinning around on my heel and closing the curtain after shoving it away, "If I were you, i'd mind my own goddamn business."

--------------------After the Jenny ordeal-------------Still Christopher's P.O.V.--------------------

I strode back into the store, Torrid, Alex was snooping around in. I stretched my neck out, expecting to see a brown fluff of hair and pale skin, but caught no glimpse of it. I frowned sightly and sniffed the air, when I caught a faint, but stale scent of Alex and a musty, lingering scent of a foreign male. The scent was nothing i'd ever smelled before.

It wasn't human nor' werewolf. A panic thought rose up into my brain as I thought of the two scents and how they were in the same rack Alex was at when I last spotted her. I frantically searched each isle until I caught no scent of Alex. I ran to the front register as a fake blonde checked me out. "Hello. How may I help you, cutie?", she asked me, batting her fake eyelashes.

I quickly spilled out what I was going to ask her all into one mushed up sentence, "Didyouseeayounggirlwithbrownhaircomeinherecheckingoutjewlery!/?!."

She stared at me in confusion and said, "What?" I cleared my throat and tried again, this time slower. ""Did you see a young girl with brown hair come in here checking out jewelry?", I asked again. She hesitated for a second before nodding. "Oh yeah, her. She went into the dressing room with some man. If you're searching for her, you can go out there.

Shes in room 4. But, I warn you..if there having sex, don't tell me. I don't want to clean up the mess.", she said. I thanked her quickly before jogging into the back room, searching for room 4. When I came near the rooms, which were crowded into one long, narrow hallway, I caught a faint scent of Alex and  once again, the other strange scent of the male.

I hurried my way down, into the hallway. When I approached room 4, my heart stopped. A whimper came from the room as I heard it being followed by a grunt. My anger got the best of me, and I felt my pupils darken at the sound of my mate's pained whimper.

I let my wolf take over my body, but not completely, leaving my body still in human form. I twisted the door handle open, followed by a shattering by the force I caused onto it. I heard the door break off its hinges at my entrance. My eyes widened at the sight, and I let my wolf take over completely at the sight that made my wolf snarl in protest before my skin shifted into dark fur and my body convulsed with warning.

Before I shifted completely, I shouted out a scrambled mess of words to the man who was holding Alex by her small throat, cutting off her air pathway. "You messed with the wrong fucking wolf!"

                                                                       *Author's Note*

I really do hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I worked hard on it and made sure enough drama just seeped through the story. Please make sure to vote and comment if necessary. Love ya, bye(:


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