Chapter- Thirty two

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                                                                                *Alex's P.O.V.*

I  stopped to sniff the air. Something just wasn't right.

I walked on my four paws towards the pond Christopher and I first swam at. The air surrounding the area was cool and airy.

Something was different. I looked down to see more paw prints that were nor mine or Christopher's. They were larger and deeper, like a heavy breed of dog or wolf was near.

I lowered my head and sniffed, but nothing came up. Weird? I brushed it aside with my paw and continued my walk around the perimeter.

Christopher was in call for pack duties, so here I was, exploring our territory because I was bored. I had a dream last night, it was awful.

My mind was blank and I felt empty, like I was being controlled.

I remember me going in and out of visions, each one getting horrid by the moments. It started off with a vicious war between wolves, then me smiling and someone holding me back.

Then, I woke up crying because in the last glimpse of the dream, there I was, standing above Christopher with his blood staining my clothes and he layed still beneath me, his neck bent at an un-natural angle.

I wiped my tears away that night and tried to forget about it, but it was just too difficult. That was four days ago.

Last night, I had another dream, different from the others. I was sprawled out in the middle of the forest, in between my shift when something came out.

One large red eyed wolf who was the size of a car, came barreling out towards me. It stopped right above me, its gooey and warm drool pouring over my deformed figure as I tried to finish my shift, but I couldn't.

The large wolf was almost straining itself from attacking me, something holding it back.

After what seemed like hours, my shift was completed and I now stood tall in my large white wolf form. Either form, the large wolf was very intimidating.

It backed away, whimpering at me. I grinned a wolfish grin at what I did. The wolf bowed down, and I howled in triumph.

I felt a powerful aura behind me, only to turn around on my back hunches.

Axle and a very powerful and evil man stood behind me, watching me with slick grins prominent on their faces. I turn and ran for my feared life.

I ran towards the trees, hoping to seek cover when I felt a thundering pound behind me. I skidded to a halt, my body on its own terms now.

I tried to urge my wolf to run, but she wouldn't. Instead, she stayed put. The large dog came stomping out to greet my shaking figure.

A black puff of smoke later, Axel and the very intimidating man stood tall in front of me. Axel simply snapped his fingers, and BOOM. The large dog was on me now, tearing my white pelt to shreds.

I watched from the side of Axel as it tore me apart, my howl of agony filling the air. Axel gripped my hand tighter and pulled me along with the man.

Together, we all three walked into a large dent in the ground, fir swelling us into the pits of Hell. I shook those horrid dreams out of my head and continued on.

The air grew more chillier, the fur on the very back of my neck sprouting. I stopped at the brush that separated the pond and the clearing, which we slept in that night.

I nudged my nuzzle past the thick tree and leaves, and looked out beyond. I felt my chest tighten at the sight. Many black figures were blurred and all surrounding the area.

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