Chapter-Twenty three

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                                                                       *Christopher's P.O.V.*

It was complete havoc at the pack house. My beta was beside my side, shouting out orders to my pack. I didn't care, I let him.

I was quickly searching through the perimeter of our territory, searching for clues to Iris's disappearance. She was last seen sitting on the gate in the back, but that was last night.

She hasn't been back since then, and I fear that she may has become rouge, or worse, killed.

I was in a panic state, because she was responsible for healing the pack. She was to be the packs doctor in two weeks, for she would've inherited the ability to heal others.

I sighed as I turned around to jog for another two miles to inspect the perimeter.

Xavier claimed he smelled the scent of the 'Shallow Eclipse' pack on the river side. I was in deep thought, standing there on our side of the raver.

Someone tapped my shoulder, and I felt tingles, indicating that Alex was behind me. I turned around to see a worried Alex.

As a soon to be Luna,  Alex was in a panic mood. She thinks it was her fault that Iris disappeared.

She cleared her throat before speaking, "Calm down Christopher. It'll be okay. It my fault she disappeared. I shouldve watched her, I'm just as responsible for this pack as you are.", she said. I shook my head, and grunted.

"No it is not Alex. Its my fault. It's MY pack and I let one of my pack members leave without a single trace." Alex bowed her head and let out a sigh of defeat.

"Christopher, this is my pack too. Once I turn Luna, I will be in just as much importance as you, yourself."

I clenched my jaw and shook my head once again. "NO Alex! This is my pack, and this is my final answer. Its my fault and Its not your pack. You wont put out, so there for, your not any importance to us." I closed my eyes in anger as my wolf was whimpering in the back of my head.

I just let realization hit me. I just yelled at my mate and told her she wasn't important.

I opened my eyes to look down to see Alex with a frown and her eyes were glossy and full of regret and sorrow. I tried to reach out to touch her and apologize when she growled and shoved my hand back.

"Don't. Touch. Me.", she said through gritted teeth. I stepped back and let my head drop. I made my mate mad, and I could see it written all over her face, but her eyes were full of hurt. "Look, Im so-", I tried to say before I got interrupted by her.

"No. Don't apologize, just no. Good luck finding Iris, and send someone to tell me if she was yet to be found.", she seethed before turning back on her heel and walked towards the house.

"Wait. Where are you going?", I asked her. She shook her head and I watched as her hand flew up to the air and her middle finger stood proudly in front center. I gritted my teeth before turning back my head to continue my search.

She was beyond pissed, as was I. Everything was piling up on my shoulder. First, Alex have almost died because of some demonic creature, then Iris disappearing, and now Alex is pissed off with me.

I shook those thoughts from my head and continued on with my search.

Ill deal with her later, but for right now, I have to continue my search.

                                                                     *Alex's P.O.V.*

I was beyond pissed off. He called me out on not being important. I was, wasn't I? I was an Alpha's mate. I'm just as important as him. I deserve as much as respect as he gets. I clenched my fists and stomped off towards the house.

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