Chapter-Twenty five

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                                                                 *Alex's P.O.V.*

I whimpered at the harshness in his booming voice. He screamed at me, his face in mine. I was strapped down to a black leather chair, my wrists cuffed tightly to the arms of the chair.

Axel was standing up, pacing the room and searching for some answers I didn't know how to reply too. Others, I just clamped my mouth shut and held tight.

He stomped up to me and slapped me square out across my face. I squealed as the hard surface hit my skin.

I shrank back into the chair, but kept my ground. He growled when I kept shut.

"I'm going to ask this one last time, then I'm changing my routine Alex. Now, where is your mother?", he asked me. I kept my mouth shut again. He grunted out in response before a wicked grin crossed his hardened features.

"You,you have a great present. I have something just for you. I made it myself, Alex. Its just for YOU!", he boomed. He stomped out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him.

I sighed in relief. This should buy me some time to escape. I've been trapped her for almost a full three weeks.

I spent my days being tortured and smacked and beat up, but nothing compared to what was about to come to me. I leaned back in the chair when the door swung open.

I whimpered at the sight of what he held in his hands. He held a large dagger that was riveted with little green glowing ruby's and the dagger itself had something green glowing around the point of the blade.

My eyes widened at the sight of the horrible weapon he held in his hands. I shrunk back in my seat when he walked up to my scared form. He brushed the dagger across my cheek, making me scream out in agony.

The green stuff on it was poison, made only from the greatest depths of hell. It burned and seared through my flesh. I cried out as I felt it sink into my flesh.

It burned me to the greatest breaches in my flesh. I squirmed and tried to break free, but it just wouldn't work. My wrist and bare ankles burned from the leather straps holding my body back to the chair.

He laughed and brought it up in front of my face. My flesh was burned into the point, and I cried out again. He laughed cruelly and slashed at my chest.

I felt it cut through the thin fabric of my shirt, searing in through my bare flesh. I screamed out louder as I felt it sink into my body, my bones burning with fury. I started to sob as it started to bleed through, except it wasn't blood.

It was a white liquid flowing freely through the cut. I screamed out for Christopher, my wolf, my mother, and anyone who could hear my cries of escape. He slashed at my upper arm this time, and I heard something scrape against the metal.

My breathing started to increase louder. I felt my body vibrate against it, and stepped back some. The metal cut through my body, and tore through my bone.

I thought he gasped at the sight, but instead found out I was VERY wrong. The gnarly wound started to seep black liquid now. Its color changed from white to black.

The liquid seeped out onto the cement floor. It puddled together, making it seem almost like someone spilled over fresh ink.

He screamed as it touched his shoes. It burned right through the fabric of his shoes, making a hissing sound. His eyes dilated into big saucers and turned dark red.

He screeched out in pain as it pooled around him, trapping him in.

My arm started to tingle. It felt numb, an in my horror, my whole body started to go numb. I felt my body grow weaker with each spoonful of the black liquid flowed freely down my arm.

My vision grew faint and fuzzy. I felt pure agony. Axel screamed again, and I watched as the black liquid grew. It shaped into a form. The last of the black liquid seeped out of my arm, and grew into the form around him.

I gasped as it soon took color. It as pure white now, not black. Its face was carved into with soft features, making my limbs grow weak.

It spoke, and I felt shocked to see and hear my mother. She stood there, and stared deep into his eyes.

Her silky voice spoke, "You have made a crime against the Moon Goddess by taking her child. You will receive punishment from us, but for now, begone.", and with that, he disappeared while screaming.

She turned to me. "Alex, do you know who I am?", she asked me. I nodded wearily. "Yes. Your my mother.", I told her. She shook her head 'No.'

"No Alex. I am your guardian. Your mother is not human, nor is she wolf, or demon. Your mother is the leader of the very first wolves. Your mother Alex, is the Moon Goddess. I was sent here to protect you from harm, but I was killed by Axel. I was sent to her to confront the problem. I never returned because I couldn't protect you enough without revealing your secrets. Alex, you are a very powerful wolf my dear. You, are the only spawn of the Moon Goddess herself. This means you are entitled to powers beyond your reach." I swallowed hard.

Powers? What could I possibly behold that is special? She watched me wearily before speaking again.

"Alex, you are capable of something great. You hold the power to stop a great war, one which your mate is involved in against the dead. You hold something that Lucifer himself wants. Your very important because you are the main source of the Prophecy. Take care of your self Alex. I will be watching you. Keep Christopher, your pack, and yourself safe.", she whispered.

"Wait! What is this great 'Prophecy' I have?", I asked her. She started to flicker, her white form growing dark with each passing second.

"When your time will come, your mother will seek you. Join sides with the greatest pack and fight for your bloodline Alex. Destroy Lu-", she was cut off by her figure fading.

I tried to call out, but my vision blurred even worse. My body felt hot, and I started to sweat. Soon, my eyes dropped and I felt my body being sucked into something powerful.

I was becoming free of him.

                                                                       *Author's Note*

Hey guys! Great chapter, huh? I think it was pretty decent.

Read, vote, and comment it up! Haha, Thanks guys!

Love ya' to the stars and back!!(:

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