B2: Chapter 19 - End of the World, Redux - I

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Part V

Heroes and Villains

  "The greatest strength we hold is trust. To give yourself over to another, to become one mind with each other, that is the true potential of the human soul. Let those in whom you hold absolute faith fill the weaknesses of your own spirit. For those who would break trust: give them no quarter, for they shatter that which can never be truly repaired."

  ~Cinza, The Rallsburg Diaries

  Hailey dove out of the sky, landing on the concrete in front of the glass double-doors. Quite a few people shrieked. She didn't care. Quickly letting Jessica go, Hailey wrenched open the front door of the building and marched up to the receptionist desk.

  The terrified young woman behind the counter stood up straight, her knees visibly knocking together.

  "W-welcome to Luther, R-Renalds an—"

  "Where is he?" Hailey asked. Jessica finally caught up to her, tapping her on the shoulder, but Hailey quickly shook her head before returning to the receptionist.


  "The author of your Diaries," Hailey snapped.

  Her voice dripped with venom. She could feel rage boiling over in her face, like she were in the middle of a blazing fire. They'd flown almost non-stop from Ohio all the way back to Redmond, stopping once for food and finally arriving just past lunch. Jessica was looking a little light-headed, since she'd supplied Hailey with a lot of energy to keep them flying fast the whole way.

  "I don't know who that is," said the receptionist meekly, cowering under her glare.

  Jessica grabbed Hailey's arm and pulled her back. Hailey glanced over. Jessica looked angry. Her hand came up. She lightly slapped Hailey in the face, just enough to really get her attention.

  Hailey stopped. Jessica glared at her, pointing at the young woman behind the desk, utterly terrified. Hailey took a deep breath, forcing herself to be calm.

  "Whatever you have to do, please," she forced through rigid teeth. "Whoever's representing him. Call them."

  "R-right away." She fumbled for the phone. "Mr. Portman? Yes, this is Julie. Yes, reception. No, don't hang up. I need you down here right now. It's an emergency."

  "Tell him Hailey Winscombe is here to see him," Hailey growled.

  "...Yes, sir. Hailey Winscombe." She paused, while whoever was on the other end spoke something very quickly. Hailey was about to try and listen in, but they stopped. Julie looked back up at her. "Mr. Portman is on his way down right now." She hesitated, looking anywhere but at Hailey herself. "C-can I get you anything?"


  Hailey stayed right where she was, still breathing heavily. The flight hadn't exactly been easy, but she still felt too pumped up on adrenaline to even stand still. She started pacing, fully aware of the sea of eyes watching her every move.

  She'd just dropped out of the sky in the middle of the day. She was surprised there wasn't more of a fuss going on. At the moment, no one seemed to want to move. They were all waiting to see what happened next—what she'd do next.

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя