Interlude VII - Call of Destiny - V

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  "You okay?" she asked as Lani returned, letting her camera down again.


  "You were just gone a long ti... oh, that's weird to ask, isn't it?" She gulped. "Sorry."

  Lani shook his head. "I'm okay. Just got distracted by something."

  He wasn't sure why he didn't tell her about the piece of parchment paper. It had taken him so long to figure out a way to climb up to it, he'd totally lost track of time. By the time he'd grabbed it and gotten back to the ground again, he'd started worrying she'd get worried. He stuffed it into his jacket pocket and hurried back to the ridge without even glancing at it.

  "Well, it's going to be dark soon," she pointed out. "We should probably set up camp."


  "Well, I dunno about you, but I'm staying out here tonight. The view's gonna be incredible," she said dreamily.

  "I'm in," he agreed, grinning. "But aren't we gonna need, you know, a tent and such?"

  She tapped her long bag. "Duh," she said, winking.

  Luckily for Lani, she knew how to set up a tent, because he'd never gone camping in his life. She just laughed and had him grab each piece in order while she set up the poles. It wasn't large, but it was big enough for them both to fit inside comfortably. It also had a zippered patch at the apex that opened to let them see out the top, set right into the pale green nylon exterior.

  They finished just as the sunset hit the edge of the ridgeline, in a spectacular display of fire-tipped clouds.

  "Wow..." she whispered, returning to her seat on the log next to Lani.

  "It's incredible," he agreed.

  "Doesn't it just... I don't know—" Lani turned, confused. Without warning, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips.

  "...Wow," he echoed as she pulled away, her face bright red.

  "I'm sorry," she stammered. "I dunno what I was thinking—"

  Lani returned it, placing a hand on her back, pressing his lips to hers, leaning into her.

  "...Okay, nevermind," she smiled as they separated again. "Why on earth did I apologize for something like that?"

  He grinned. "No idea."

  She shook her head, still looking embarrassed. "I've never kissed someone whose name I didn't even know. I haven't even had a kiss since high school. What am I doing? This is crazy."

  "Lani," he interrupted.


  "That's my name. Lani."

  She smiled, and the sunset reflected in her pale blue eyes in the most perfect balance of colors Lani had ever seen in his life. "Lani. I like it. What's it mean?"

  He grinned, gesturing out towards the sunset. "It means the sky."

  She laughed. "Perfect." She rested her head on his shoulder again, gazing out towards the sunset. "I'm Riley."

  "What's that mean?" he prompted.

  "Not a clue," she laughed.

  Something cracked behind them. A branch, or maybe some twigs.

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