B2: Chapter 28 - Staying in the Spotlight - IV

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  After an eternity, Hailey got to take her seat. It was first class, at least, but it was definitely not worth all the hassle. Even the ability to relax and get out of the cold wasn't an improvement. Not even slightly.

  "Thanks for bumpin' me up," said Jeremy, as he fell into the seat across from hers and immediately reclined it back. "I can't get travel funds anymore."

  "You sure you wouldn't rather just fly for free?" she asked, glancing over Jessica out the window. "This thing is so cramped."

  "I like this cramped tube, thanks." He closed his eyes. "I've seen you fly."

  "What's that supposed to mean?"

  "Means I ain't fuckin' built to take my feet off the damn ground."

  "...So what do you call this?"

  "Fake ground."

  Hailey sighed. She leaned back too, pulling out her phone to check for messages. "Mom's got some marketing people on the case. Apparently they're all very excited to work with me."

  "That was quick."

  "Mom works super quick. And it's Friday. They're already wrapping up for the week, she's got time."

  "Huh." Jeremy shrugged. "Told me to fuck off on a Friday because she was too busy to talk."

  "...I forgot, you actually met my mom, didn't you?"

  He snorted, opening his eyes. "Yeah, she's a real bi... piece of work."

  Hailey glowered. "Watch it."

  Jeremy waved down the attendant and ordered a drink before he spoke again. "Nothin' against her, honest. In her line of work, that's a fuckin' asset. But I think she hates the livin' shit out of me."

  "...Do you deserve it?"

  "Probably." He shrugged again. "I leaned on her pretty damn hard tryin' to get answers. Her and Thomas Laushire, since they were the two highest profile family relations."

  "You went after Kendra's dad?" she asked, surprised. "I heard he's really intense."

  "Huh. He was a mess. Could barely get through our first couple interviews without breakin' down in tears." Jeremy sighed. "Of course, then he decided to sic his fuckin' goons on us for 'inflicting emotional distress'. Got into a shoutin' match in the middle of London."

  Hailey laughed. "No way. I can't even imagine Kendra or anyone related to her shouting."

  "Yeah, well, her dad had some fuckin' pipes. I almost knocked his teeth out. Lani had to pull me off 'im. Got in some real trouble since we were outside the country on special permit."

  "Lani's your partner, right?"

  "Yeah... Speakin' of Lani," he added, throwing her a sidelong look. "He took off sometime last weekend. Left me a note sayin' he's 'tryin' to find answers' and vanished."

  "Is he okay?" Hailey vaguely remembered something about Jeremy's partner getting shot by one of Brian's people. It sounded awful. Another reason why we can't just be inviting anyone to join in on this... Even trained FBI agents are getting hurt.

  "He can take care of himself... but I'm pretty sure he booked it out to Rallsburg or somewhere 'round there. I can't get ahold of him." Jeremy frowned. "And that forest ain't the safest place to be lately."

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora