B2: Chapter 30 - Four Days Later - III

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  "Well, we're here," said Damian, peering out down the street. There was an isolated church at the end, a beautiful little building with flowers scattered everywhere. The sky was cloudy, with patches of blue, and rain was coming in little drips all over the place.

  They didn't see a single person around.

  "Are you sure this is the place?" he asked, glancing over.

  Natalie nodded. She'd triple-checked the address, and checked it again when they got there. They were at the right place. It might not look like much from a distance, but appearances didn't mean much to people like her. She knew what Cinza could do.

  "You want me to stick around, Jenny?"

  "That's okay. Thank you, Mr. Kincaid." Natalie pulled her jacket on a bit tighter, trying to block out the cold. The heating in his car was broken. She wanted to use magic to warm up, but couldn't while he was still there. "I'll call you if I need a ride back."

  "Uh uh. I'll be in town. You call right when you're ready, and I'll be here."

  "You don't have to do—"

  "I'm happy to, Jenny." He glanced around again, slightly confused. Still not a soul to be seen.

  She nodded. Truth be told, she definitely didn't want anyone else to give her a ride, in case they got an idea where she was living now. Quinn's family was still safe. She needed them to stay safe. As Natalie opened the door to the car, he spoke up again. "I'm sorry about your friend."

  "Thank you."

  Natalie waited until he'd driven away, back down the street and around the corner, then immediately murmured a spell, focusing on the pockets of air under her coat. She sighed in relief as her shirt warmed up like a heated blanket. She rubbed her hands together a couple times, then stuck them in her pockets and started walking toward the empty church.

  Every step, she felt more nervous. Who was going to be there? Who would she see? The only people from home she'd even spoken to since May were Hailey, Kendra, and Lily. And none of them knew what she looked like now. Who she'd become.

  She stopped walking. I can't do this. She couldn't face them, all alone. No matter how much she wanted to go in, these were people from the past, the memories she'd been trying to bury. Hailey...

  A screech from on high. Natalie glanced up, surprised. She knew that sound.

  <Percy?> she called out.

  From over the woods past the church, Percy shot out of the sky, fluttering over the sidewalk and landing neatly on Natalie's shoulder. He rubbed his head against her temple, flapping his wing against the side of her head affectionately.

  <I missed you too.> She stroked his head a couple times, while he took a few awkward steps on her thick green coat, finding a better position. Natalie turned back to the church again. She brushed her hair away from her face and steeled herself.

  She could do this.

  As she'd expected, the church shimmered slightly as she approached. It was so subtle, she doubted anyone would have noticed unless they were really looking for it—and had eyes like hers. Even she could barely tell something was off. Percy shifted talons nervously as they approached the wall. The path seemed to curve away as they walked forward, and Natalie could feel her brain trying to tell her to keep going, that she'd run into something she couldn't see if she walked forward.

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