B2: Chapter 22 - In Her Image - II

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  Kelsey: Jenny your scaring me

  Jenny: sorry

  Jenny: im ok now

  Kelsey: What happened??? D:

  Jenny: couldnt get into my house

  Kelsey: Oh

  Kelsey: Is that it? o.o

  Jenny: ...

  Jenny: ya

  Kelsey: So what did you do?

  Jenny: well i uhh

  Jenny: i kinda broke into quinns house

  Kelsey: For real!?

  Jenny: ya

  Jenny: im sitting on his couch right now

  Jenny: his place is nice

  Kelsey: I bet it is :P

  Jenny: dont plz

  Kelsey: Dont what?

  Jenny: im really scared right now

  Kelsey: Whats wrong? D:

  Jenny: i think something bad is about to happen

  Jenny: and i cant get anyone to ansswer me

  Jenny: youre the only one whos texting me back

  Kelsey: Not even Mitch/Tyler???

  Jenny: well theyre stuck with mrs chau arent they?

  Kelsey: No... they went home. I told you that remember?

  Jenny: o

  Jenny: sorry i forgot

  Kelsey: What about Quinn?

  Jenny: hes probably with his family...

  Jenny: i didnt want to bother him...

  Kelsey: Jenny -_-

  Kelsey: Hed totally wanna be bothered by you

  Jenny: but

  Jenny: even all my old friends arent answering

  Kelsey: Maybe theyre all busy?

  Jenny: maybe...

  Jenny: with whats going on i guess that makes sense

  Jenny: but i need help

  Kelsey: What do you mean whats going on? :O

  Jenny: nothing

  Kelsey: Come on, tell me!

  Jenny: well

  Jenny: you saw the news right

  Kelsey: Yeah

  Kelsey: Something about magic???

  Kelsey: Ohhhhh

  Kelsey: That's about you! :O

  Jenny: ya... and thats bad

  Kelsey: Why?

  Jenny: because people dont like it

  Kelsey: I think its pretty cool

  Jenny: thast because youre cool

  Jenny: trust me

  Kelsey: Maybe youll be wrong

  Jenny: maybe

  Kelsey: Jenny?

  Jenny: sorry, something is beeping

  Kelsey: Something like what? :O

  Jenny: little box on the wall. quiet but its super annoying

  Jenny: says "Delkiph Systems"

  Kelsey: Oh shit D:

  Jenny: what?

  Kelsey: That's a security thing

  Kelsey: We have that here too

  Kelsey: You gotta put in a code when you come in or the alarm goes off

  Jenny: i dont know the code!

  Kelsey: It should have gone off by now o.o

  Kelsey: Maybe youre okay?

  Kelsey: Jenny??? D:

  Kelsey: Are you okay??

  Natalie could feel her phone buzzing in her jacket pocket. Every time it lit up again, she stiffened up in fear. If they heard it...

  Three men had shown up only moments after Kelsey's text. They burst through the front door with tasers, something like the one her dad once had. They were going through the whole place, trying to find the intruder.

  Trying to find me. What do I do?

  She was under the couch, pressed up against the wall. She barely fit, but she managed to squeeze in just as the first shadow passed over the curtains before the door flew open. The men were talking to each other, clearing rooms with professional efficiency. It sounded a lot like someone else she once knew. The guy with the broken arm back in Rallsburg, the military guy. She couldn't remember his name though. Some kind of animal, like a nickname or something.

  If they look under here... Natalie didn't want to hurt them. She was pretty confident she could stop the little taser cables before they got to her, and she could definitely take on just three guys... but then she'd have to run again.

  Very slowly, Natalie inched her hand into her jacket pocket, fumbling for the volume buttons. She shifted just an inch too far. The phone thumped onto the floor.

  She waited, frozen in place.

  No response. None of the men were in the living room. Natalie let out the shallow breath she'd been holding in, and picked up her phone an instant before it buzzed again. She couldn't read it, but she could guess that it was yet another panicked text from Kelsey. She clicked the volume all the way down to silent, and breathed a sigh of relief as the screen lit up again, but without a vibration this time.

  Not two seconds later, heavy footsteps returned to the living room.

  "False alarm?"

  "Still gotta follow procedure. You know the rules."


  "Don't worry. The office takes care of of the rest. All you gotta do is file your report."

  "Fuckin' paperwork..."

  Three pairs of boots left, the same three pairs that came in. They tapped out a sequence on the quietly beeping alarm box, then the door clicked shut.

  Natalie was alone once again, but finally, she felt a real sense of relief. They hadn't found her.

  She was safe.

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and Villainsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن