50- Not yet

77 17 5

The trees blaze up a brilliant gold,

My pathway blooms a lotus untold,

The sky dazzles like a million stars,

Heal and disappear all my untreated scars.

Suddenly my path lightens up to shine,

An emboldened version of a golden shrine,

Temple bells ring and the wind bellows,

Colours dazzle like the golden meadows,

My heart beats at the unforseen twists,

And forever begone are those addling mists,

I suppress my surprise and gather my wits,

The wind uncoils its tendrils as the moon it hits,

The sun and moon blaze together,

And the stars and daylight play together,

The blanketing breeze lets out a roar,

As from nothing appears a golden door.

I giddily run across the clearing to the gate,

And impatiently undo the latches to end my wait,

The bells that hung tinkle as the door unhinges,

And the love in my heart goes to fringes,

As I behold the magnificence beyond the gateway,

Nature blossomed, stars beckoned, sea foam bay,

Glitter hung in the air and the land lived alive,

My brain short circuited and went into archive.

As I lost my footing and ignorantly fell in a faint.

Hours or days later, I found a message, pinned,

To my trailing skirt, by a lone peacock feather, limned,

By blue-gold threading, which said, "Not yet"

"You aren't ready", I sighed and  let,

Myself calm my breath and heart,

And let out a cry of happiness, an art,

I realised, this journey was an art, magnetic

To the soul, and so I realised was aesthetic.

For once, I did not want it to get over.

I just wanted this journey to go on and on and on.

Forever, till the stars exploded into an inferno 

And the entire universe combusted.

Searching- A saga ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt