97- The Sound Of Panchajanya

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The sound of Dakshinavarta Panchajanya echoes,
Each pore of my being erupts into lava,
A lopsided smile glitters on my face,
Music explodes in, from all over the cosmos,
The trees rain flowers and leaves,
The sun and moon grace together,
The cool wind blows my curly locks apart,
Rains splatter over my warm winter skin,

The sound of Dakshinavarta Panchajanya echoes,
I spread my arms wide and spin,
Like a top, my Saree in whorls,
My heart in the sky, leaping with glee,
My eyes and feet dance to the music,
Rhythm escapes and notes soar,
Each breath calling out a name,
That had eluded me teasingly for long,

The sound of Dakshinavarta Panchajanya echoes,
And I smile knowingly that the time had come,
Stars fall from heaven and tickle,
The moon yawns a lilting lullaby,
The sun sprinkles its glittering rays,
The sky gleams a rich twilight,
Blue blooming amongst dazzling red,
And I suck in a sharp breath smirking,

The sound of Dakshinavarta Panchajanya echoes,
I run, gathering the silk of my skirt,
Claps of thunder booms bewitching,
Lightning lights up the heavens,
And I run, following my beacon,
The lifeline I was desperately clinging to,
A brilliant blaze consumes the cosmos,
And with a ring of bells, He appears.
Splendid and as dazzling as ever,
Like a million suns and Love Incarnate

The sound of Dakshinavarta Panchajanya echoes,
As He blows into it, eyes closed,
My heart stops. My life stops.
And begins anew, like a butterfly,
Emerging from the cocoon of maturation,
A phantom breeze plays with His curly locks,
The sunlight dances on His bronze dark skin,
The yellow gold robes billowing behind.

The sound of Dakshinavarta Panchajanya echoes,
Filling my every atom with Love,
Drowning me in the possibility of infinity,
An overwhelming feeling of completeness,
Every dream of eternities coalescing,
The Universe for once stops moving,
And all that ever remained was us.
Duality in oneness and a oneness in duality,

The sound of Panchajanya echoes,
He opens those eyes, feathered with lashes,
That curled and extended like a lotus,
Tall, tanned and wild like a lion,
Yet sweeter than the sweetest honey,
Smirking, He lifts His hands,
Red palms caressing a garland of wild flowers,
Interspersed with blue lotuses and basil,
From above, a tree sways in the breeze,
Clasped in its lower branch was another,
Garland of basil, jasmine, and red lotuses,
I draw it down and hold it in my shaking hands,
I believe I should have fainted,
But, apparently I did not.

The sound of Panchajanya still echoed,
And the sky exploded into a million colours,
As I walked; covering the last few feet,
My eyes pouring out tears only He could fathom,
My heart unable to beat anymore,
My brain short circuiting, ecstatic,
Yet the distance between us felt like light years,
Shaking my head, and lifting the garland,
I do the most obvious thing: Run.

Finally, I see eternities collide and halt,
As I skid to a stop before Him, arms raised,
The enrapturing scent of sandalwood and basil,
Cuddles as the whirring Sudarshan Chakra,
Cleaves the air around us forming a golden halo,
He smiles and tips His crowned head forward,
I gasp and let the garland drop,
And it hangs, swaying around His neck,
The white jasmine bright against bronze skin.
As my knees buckle and I fall at His feet.
I let my forehead brush the Earth soil,
Right before the lotuses of His feet,
And I slowly ease up, tears streaming.

And then...
Leisurely taking His time, teasing,
He lets the thickly braided garland,
Fall gently onto my weightless shoulders,
The blue of lotuses stark against my creamy skin,
I giggled: Yes, of all the things!

I whisper, 'But when the time comes'
'I want the world to be a witness'
'I promise', He whispers back,
With that hint of a mischievous glint.

And I look at that one God,
At that one person.
Who is my everything.
My Infinity.
My love.
My very soul.

Nothing else mattered.
Nothing else existed.
Only Him.

And I prepare for this new journey,
With Him
And Him alone.

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