99- Eternal Raas Of Love

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Dazed diffraction of crystalline sparks of thoughts,
An utter culmination of reaping rewards,
My heart shatters into infinite iridescent sparkles,
Tears that sparkle amidst all these sparkling speckles,
Like a night blooming lily, bright against black clouds,

Dazed diffraction of crystalline sparks of thoughts,
An echo that refracts around the vaults of my heart,
Exciting the dormant electrons, raising its energy levels,
Smirking mad, like an addled deer, its eyes gleaming.
I look down and swallow the sight of a broken idol.

Dazed diffraction of crystalline sparks of thoughts,
A broken heart and a broken figurine, golden and grey.
A lingering smile slowly crawls onto my lips licking,
It was time to move on: into another just journey,
The idol with missing stones only my heart could fill.

A bewitchment beyond comprehension, that flute,
Clasped within the fingers of a golden figurine broken,
And clasped within the same fingers is my heart broken,
Healed anew, over and over, for over infinite years,
That lingering smile soaks into my salt soaked eyes,

A bewitchment beyond comprehension, that flute,
When clasped within my fingers: cracked and shattered,
A statuette stronger than diamonds gave'way like a biscuit,
Under the brightness of moon and glitter of stars,
A final test is it then? Or the very first real one?

A bewitchment beyond comprehension, that flute,
Whose heavenly music haunts my heart, heartrendingly,
And brims every pore of my skin with sky large love.
This night, with my moon as a witness, I walk,
Towards that altar of self, where heart mixes with soul,

Pouring out music that only mindless heart can feel,
My feet upon soft tickling grass, an early spring wind,
That breezes into my uncoiled curls as I raise my hand,
Fingers curled around the broken figurine of my love,
My self lighter than those stars sprinkling stardust, whilst

Pouring out music that only mindless heart can feel,
A broken figurine that once glued the fragments of my mind,
A final good bye, for a new meeting, a different start,
A final good bye, to all those old times, a twist,
The first good bye, to welcome You into my arms.

Pouring out music that only mindless heart can feel,
The lingering smile precipitates into tears of joy,
As with every ounce of power I toss that beautiful idol,
Into the sky of stars lit up by a chandelier of moons,
And upward it raises, high up it flies, wingless flight,

And up it raises, flies and explodes into drops of rain
That gleam in the yawning moon's light before blazing,
And blasting into tiny lights of fairies that graze your skin,
Taking your breath away, in a wisp of wonder.
Smiling I raise a shaking hand in a farewell, to those fairies.

And up it raises, flies and explodes into drops of rain,
As I feel a feather touch lean across my cheekbones,
Mild scents of basil and sandalwood tickling my nose,
Soft graze of a peacock feather along my jawline,
As strong arms embrace me from behind, my mind squeezes,

And up it raises, flies and explodes into drops of rain,
As the embrace whispers love, love and eternal love,
Slowly, I lean into that touch, smiling as I whisper,
'Was that necessary, breaking my idol, really?'
'It was, in a way, your final and very first real test.'

And then we began that Raas, very much different from before.
As He blew into the lute, His fingers dancing across the markings,
We danced, to the eternal song of the infinite love,
We danced, to this Raas of a new begininng, new journey,
We danced, for eternities, till the Universe ceased to exist.

And then we began that Raas, very much different from before.
As I twirled with Sri Hari, whirled with Kanha,
Jumped with Narasimh, flourished with Varaha,
Essayed an enchufla with Vaman, dosadoed with Ram,
Spun on heels whilst holding Vishnu's hands.

And then we began that Raas, very much different from before.
Yet the very same, essentially. A Raas of Life.
A Raas of love. A Raas of fulfillment. A  Raas of joy.
A Raas of eternity. A Raas of dreams. A Raas of World.
When all that ever remained was Love and shall forever be.

Dazed diffraction of crystalline sparks of thoughts,
A bewitchment beyond comprehension, that flute,
Pouring out music that only mindless heart can feel,
And up it raises, flies and explodes into drops of rain,
As we began that Raas, very much different from before.

Dazed diffraction of crystalline sparks of thoughts,
A bewitchment beyond comprehension, that flute,
Pouring out music that only mindless heart can feel,
And up it raises, flies and explodes into drops of rain,
As we began that Raas, very much different from before.

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