88- My constant: Ranga

107 17 9

My constant.

Do you know why, Oh Ranga,
That people love Maths when it is filled with numbers,
And not when they introduced those letters,
'Variables', they called those letters,
And 'constants', they labelled the numbers.

I've asked almost all friends of mine,
They all say the same thing, Ranga!
That they hated the subject after algebra
And polynomials made their entry,
Bringing with them, a huge crowd of 'variables'
And Maths ceased to Maths
Without its population of 'constants'

Here's my take on the situation,
Who likes change, Ranga?
No one.
Everyone wants nothing to do with change,
Or in other words 'variation'
In short 'variables'

It's almost each soul's dream.

Now You know why everyone loved Maths
Till they reached grade five.

But I loved Maths.
Still do.
And always shall.

You know why, oh Ranga?
Because change is the only thing,
That does not change.

And You are my 'constant'.
As well as my ' variable'

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