74- Democracy

70 14 5

I love talking to you, Milord,
It makes me smile and laugh,
And blush and giggle, it gives me
Immense bliss and a reason to live.

Come what may, treachery or disaster,
Fire or flood, Death or Destiny,
I'll laugh at it all, while holding your hand,
And telling you about all my fantasies.

The dream I had yestermorn still haunts me,
It makes me dizzy with excitement,
And deeply, madly, completely in love,
With You and Your ever lasting games.

I thought I could play with you,
And you taught me how it is played,
Am I indebted to you, Milord?
Oh, yes! Ofcourse I am.

Indebted to you, for all Your love,
That drowns me; there is not a single
Second in my life that passes without
Me thinking about You.

It is the truth, Milord,
My entire existence, is verily,
For You, Of you and By You.
Someday, You should teach the world Democracy.

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