Chapter 10: Cute

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I  have no idea what to say. Hell, I don't even know what to think. Either he's lying, or I've found myself in an alternate plane of reality. Because there's no way that what I am doesn't bother him, or even scare him a little.

Namjoon is weird. Namjoon is determined. Namjoon is kind. Those are all things I  can say with certainty. Also, to the best of my knowledge, Namjoon has never lied to me. I feel scared of what I'll find there but I force myself to look into his eyes anyway, searching for any trace of a lie. Seconds tick by and we stand like that, and all I can find in his gaze is honestly, and that scares me.

"Why?" Is the only question I can't draw up an answer for.

For a moment I don't think he'll respond. His jaw ticks and something akin to panic passes over his face, but soon that settles into conviction, as though he'd made a decision in his own mind.

He clears his throat and fixes his stare back on mine.

"Because I'm not normal either."

"You're not..." I begin to ask but the question dies off when doubtfulness strikes me. Is he messing with me right now?

"I can show you if you don't believe me." he speaks up.

I remain silent, debating. If he was telling the truth he wouldn't say something like that, right? Unless he's trying to get naked in my kitchen. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised by either.

"Alright." I concede. "Show me."

His eyes move around the small kitchen. "Right here?"

I cross my arms over my chest, doubt rushing back to the forefront of my feelings again. "Where else?"

A second passes by and I expect for him to back out, but instead he moves away from me and begins to shove our kitchen table up against the back wall. When I question this he doesn't respond so I lean against the counter and wait for him to finish.

Once he's done, however, his gaze moves from the kitchen floor, to his pants, and back to me, watching him with a questioning eyebrow raised.

"This might be awkward...but I have to be naked for this part."

I can't help the short laugh that comes out. "I knew you were a pervert."

Instead of responding he shrugs and removes his jacket and his hands start unbuttoning his shirt.


My scream doesn't seem to startle him in the least and he proceeds to leisurely undress right there in the middle of my kitchen. At four in the afternoon in broad daylight.

What even is my life right now?

The moment his pants come down I yell again and turn my head, only to find Lucifer, in all her white and fluffy cuteness, sitting on the floor, stomach face up and ass out, casually cleaning her privates with one eye on the undressing Namjoon.


"I still have my boxers on, you can look."

Hesitantly I turn back to Namjoon, finding that he still wore both boxers and an sleeveless undershirt, thank god.

Wait. Were his arms always that toned? This distraction almost causes me to not hear his next words.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."

I jerk my line of sight back to his face, feeling panic at these words of warning. Why would I be afraid? "Wait, what?"

Without another word he drops to all fours and begins to shift.

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