Chapter 11: Dating

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This morning I'm awakened gently by a purring BooBoo who wants pets and absolutely refuses to take no for an answer. Drifting in and out of consciousness for the next ten minutes, I still somehow manage to keep petting him until my phone dings. Groaning, I peak one eye open to look at the screen.

NJ: Good morning beautiful

NJ? Who...oh. That's right.

"Does that mean you'll go out with me?"


My ears feel hot as I remember the cute smile he adopted after I agreed to go out with him. Why the hell did he insist on being that cute? That grin never left his face after that, not even when I was pushing him out the door because I wanted to avoid having to explain his presence to my dad.

Truth be told, I'm still hesitant about jumping into a relationship. My main reason for not wanting one in the first place was because I was positive no one could accept me for what I am. Namjoon, however, washed that reason down the drain because for him, being what he is, it's a moot point. Even still, those old insecurities linger; they aren't something that could be forgotten so easily. Before he left yesterday we shared a brief, but understanding conversation where we both agreed to take it slow.

I can feel my lips twitching as I glance at his text once more. Beautiful? Carefully, so that I don't jostle BooBoo too much, I sit up and peek at my reflection in the standing mirror across the room.

Dear god.

Whatever, he doesn't need to know the truth. I start to reply with a good morning when the orange cat in my lap decides that I've ignored him for too long and headbutts the phone.

Y/n: Goodnf knsjd

NJ: ?

Y/n: The last bit was from BooBoo

NJ: Good morning BooBoo
NJ: I'll be there soon to pick you up

Immediately I start to panic, scrambling off the bed (sorry BooBoo) and rushing out the hall and into the bathroom. Shit! I forgot boyfriends wanted to do stuff like spend time together. Strange how that happened.

Anxiety crawls up on me while my brain goes into overdrive about what I should do with my hair and what clothes I should wear. We're just going to school so it shouldn't matter, right? But I don't want it to seem like I didn't try at all. Or do I? It's our first day 'together' so I should put some effort into my appearance. But...I don't have any makeup. I have one hair tie. My newest school uniform is in the wash and now I can't find my toothbrush.

So this is what my life has become. Basic morning rituals have become complex calculus problems and my cats probably hate me because they didn't get their morning cuddles.

EventuallyI just said fuck it. My hair is in messy bun with a strong emphasis on messy and my uniform is the one from last year that's faded in color. You don't like it, Namjoon? FIGHT ME IN THE PIT.


Has the entire world always been so perfect? The coolness of the breeze. The colors of the autumn leaves. The smell of the sunrise. Birds sing their morning songs once the sun rises and my wolf urges me up and out of bed, long before I would usually think of exiting.

When did everything get so beautiful? Probably after my mate said she likes me. Me. She likes me. My mate said that. My mate. Mine. She's mine.

I can't help the excitement I feel. But Y/n is perfect. Everything she does makes the whole world better. I don't trust myself to be able to text and walk at the same time so I stop and pull out my phone to message her. I smile remembering as she protested the amount of heart emoji's by her name but approved of the cat emoji.

My Mate is a Crazy Cat Lady {Namjoonxreader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang