Chapter 19: A Pointless Point System

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Now I sit in detention during my lunch hour with three other students.

One rando egg I've never met that keeps sending me kissy faces and making obscene gestures in my direction. I swear if he takes one step my way I will karate chop his head right off.

For some reason, Carl, who appears to be in a bad mood and is off pouting in a corner, speaking to no one.

The other is one of Namjoon's friends that I've never met, but the moment he entered the room he came straight to where I was situated and pulled up a chair to sit at the same table. He fluffs his black hair and eyes me in boredom before offering his name and a small wave.


I nod. "Y/n."

"You smell like cat." he says bluntly.

"Cats are life. Don't come at me."

"I prefer dogs."

All of the friendliness drops from my soul. "Why are you insulting me like this?"

Yoongi only scoffs and then turns away to watch the ticking clock on the wall. "You're stupid."


I'm effectively cut off by the door swinging open and one of the more useful interim teachers, and captain of the women's tennis team, walks in. Kim Heechul. His classes were one of the most interesting and fun experiences in school life. And his detentions (or so I've heard) could be some of the worst, as he enjoyed giving out more creative punishments. At least he's good looking.

"Hello, hello, folks." he greets us with a cheerful voice but with a vindictive gleam in his eye as though we had all done something to personally offend him. "Why don't we get rid of these pesky tables and gather round. Come on, now," he waves an arm to motion us forward.

I want nothing more than to be at home right now under a pile of cats but here I am instead. Damn you, Namjoon. It's your fault.

Mister Kim has us bring our chairs to the front of the room and we all sit facing each other in a circle, him included.

"Everyone take in a deep breath." he instructs and unenthusiastically, we all do. "Gooood, now lets introduce ourselves. I'll go first. I'm Kim Heechul, your teacher for the next hour. I love sad music, the color red, and I hate rainy days. My most valuable treasure is myself."

Oh GOD why am I here? I'd rather clean the gym or write an essay. Why should we have to talk about ourselves? I spend a good amount of time already ignoring my own feelings but now am expected to talk about this. Damn you Mister Kim. Damn you Namjoon. It's the last thing I want to do but now Mister Kim's eyes are on me so I speak anyway, trying and failing to keep the boredom out of my voice.

"I'm Lee Y/n. I like cats. I dislike the color purple, and wolves-" I catch the perverted student waggling his tongue at me, "-and YOU."

"Very good." The teacher nods, ignoring the fact that me and the other student are having a silent war now. He directs his attention to Yoongi. "And you?"

Yoongi looks more unexcited than I do. "Min Yoongi," he drawls, "I don't like detention." his gaze drifts to the pervert. "Or you."

Mister Kim looks at a still pouting Carl.

"Imma Carl Vogt. I like a cats and my girlfriends but the boys says she not a girlfriend cause I no ask her out. I don't know what ask her out mean. But I like all my girlfriends. I like girls, lots of girls is good."

I have yet to determine if Carl is an innocent bunny or if he's a mad talented playboy good at playing the innocent bunny. Whatever. He's cool with me as long as he likes cats.

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