Chapter 31: Eight Questions

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Two pounds=(approximately) one kilogram.
Fifteen pounds=(approximately) six to seven kilograms.
Thirty pounds=(approximately) thirteen kilograms


Twenty minutes into waiting, BooBoo has yet to exit the pet carrier, and Namjoon has given up on trying to get me to kiss him. Kissing him was enjoyable when I was in the moment. Now all I want to do is go home and weep in misery. Maybe pop a few midol and possibly choke to death on chocolate. But yet here we sit in this slow ass vet and waiting to be seen. When we came in there were no other customers so I don't know what they're waiting for. Probably they're all sitting back there laughing at us, drinking root beer and playing poker, or maybe plotting on more ways to make us wait longer.

The conversation fizzled out once we decided on what to call each other and I refused to kiss anyone. So Namjoon proposed twenty questions, which didn't even work like the game should, and instead we literally just asked one another questions.

Mine were a lot weirder than Namjoon's.

"If all of your friends were girls," I began and tried not to laugh at the exasperated look on his face. "And they were all naked," Namjoon face-palmed, "and you had to stare directly into their nipples for fifty two seconds straight without looking away, who would it be?"

His hand ran down his face before dropping into his lap. "Where do you come up with this stuff?"

"It's not your turn to ask questions." I point out sternly, holding in my laughter. Somehow.

He's clearly so annoyed with me but makes no mention of it, resorting instead to giving me a look that reflects how peculiar and twisted he thinks I am.

"I don't know," he spits, aggravated. "Hoseok, I guess."

"Why Hoseok?" I ask, shaking with silent laughter.

His face twists as he gives me a dirty look. "I don't know! There's no way I can answer that question seriously!"

"Fine." I reply in mock displeasure. "Your turn."

"When was the first time I made your heart flutter?"

Namjoon, I'm trying to be stupid here, please go away with that serious bullshit. However, it is his turn so I give it some thought, trying to remember this. He's made my heart flutter on so many occasions it's difficult to pinpoint the first time it happened. Oh. That's right.

"When I saw you with my cats. The first time you visited my house."

The answer obviously isn't a surprise to either of us, but he smirks as if he knows something I'm not telling him.

"So you liked me from way back then."

"I didn't say I liked you." I respond honestly. "You made my heart flutter, yes, but back then I thought you were really weird and I couldn't understand you." Well, I still think both of those things sometimes but I refrain from mentioning that. "Anyway, it's my turn. Say the school comes up with a new protocol."

Namjoon blinks and then lifts his eyes to the ceiling, preparing himself for my next question.

"And the protocol is this: In order to graduate, you have to either twerk upside down on a stripper poll or punch Jungkook in the face, which would you do?"

"That's not even logical-" he starts to point out before I cut him off.

"Just answer the question." Funny how 'that's not logical' didn't come up when I said imagine his friends were girls and naked. Proof that he's a pervert.

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