Chapter 45: Let's Run

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It doesn't take long for me to grow dizzy. Clenching my eyes shut tight, I hold on and wait for it to stop, which isn't much time at all.

When he halts and I blink my eyes open, I find that we've come to a clearing with an algae covered pond that would best be described as an eye sore. So. This is where he wanted to take me? To this nasty ass pond? I'm feeling the love, Namjoon.

When he prompts me to, I unwrap my limbs and slide down till my feet hit the ground, still slightly dizzy. He turns, grasping both of my hands and swings our arms to and fro between us like an excited child. That same smile is still gracing his face and punches me right in the heart with how beautiful he is.

"Let's run together." he grins and continues his ministrations, as if he's so hyper he can't sit still.

"We just did." I point out, finding myself unable to keep from reciprocating his happy look.

"No, I mean, I turn Fluffy and you turn Kitty."

"Here?" I question, wondering if this place really is devoid of human life.

Seeming to read my mind he quickly adds, "Our pack owns this land; it's private property. No one will see us."

I mull it over before giving an answer. "Ok."

"OK!" he shouts and I draw back to stare at him. "You go there," I don't know why he said this and then proceeded to shove me behind said tree, but that's exactly what he does. "I'll go there," he points off to the other end of the clearing, his smile not disappearing for a second. "We can meet in the middle."

With a giggle he dashes off, leaving me behind the thick trunk of an oak that must be at least a century old.

Unlike last time, I don't feel self conscious in the fact that he's going to see this side of me. But undressing outside feels unnatural, and like there's a hundred eyes watching. In reality, we're alone, yet I don't want to take the chance and decide to shift pre clothes removal.

As soon as I do, I smell him. How did I forget how intoxicating that scent was? Did I say it was ten times better when he had mine mixed in with it? That's wrong. It's a thousand times better. Everything about it makes me (strangely) want to roll around on top of him and rub my head on every inch of his body I can get to.

The first couple or so steps on four legs are always awkward, but the adjustment isn't a difficult one to process. Once that's through I usually go through the mental checklist of differences so that nothing is too uncomfortable. Ears in the wrong place, the blanket of fur that covers me, the tail. The tail is the strangest part. In non complex terms, it feels like an extra arm or leg, but on my ass. In reality, it's actually a very important part of how I'm able to walk in a straight line and jump, and how I can communicate with other cats, though I've only been able to successfully do that last thing once.

Hesitantly I peek around the trunk of the tree, instantly spotting my Fluffy, already out in full view in the clearing, his eyes trained on the area I'm in and his mouth open in what should be a terrifying sight of sharp, canine teeth.

Oh my god.

How. How did I forget how fucking CUTE he is?!?

Not thinking twice about it, I come out and sprint across the clearing in his direction. His ears perk up when he spots me and he springs forward to meet me halfway. Our noses collide when we meet in the middle and after that it's a flurry of sniffs and nose bumps and affectionate head rubs.

The instinct is so strong I can't control it, my body moves on it's own as I rub the entire length of it against his face and down his side. After our initial greeting he's laid down on his stomach to get on my level and now remains still and allows me to do what I want. His size compared to my own should be intimidating, but it never crosses my mind. Really, nothing much does, save for the ever burning need to scent and mark my territory.

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