12. 88 Roses of Apology

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Presently Dong Fu wanted to get back his things from his previous life. He was sure they were in Sam's possession. Sam would never let other people get their hands on his treasured items. Also, it was time to tell Sam the truth. But if he told him directly, he wouldn't believe him. So he decided to drop hints, driving the other person crazy.

In the morning, Dong Fu left an hour early to go to the market, after a few turns his followers got lost in the crowd losing sight of him. After he knew he wasn't being followed, he wore dark sunglasses and a mask. He then stopped at a florist to buy a bouquet of flowers. He chose the flowers himself but there wasn't even a single rose added in it. He would never give roses to someone who needs to be thought a lesson.

He looked like a man who was going to propose a woman to marry him. Everyone at the company wondered who the flowers were for or from whom he had received.

Dong Fu stopped on the seventeenth floor. He smiled at Mulan. "These are for you. While everyone made fun of me, it was you who helped me teach things around here."

His tone was gentle yet sexy making the other person blush. "The young ladies in the company would start bullying me." She replied sniffing the flowers.

He didn't reply to that. He simply smiled and winked at her before leaving, making her even more flushed. After he turned and walked away, his gentle smile turned that of mockery, full of evilness.

Everyone saw the scene and started gossiping. The news of Mulan receiving flowers from Feng Sui, spread like a wildfire. Many even shared the photos that they had clicked. Many came to talk to Mulan and asked her if Sui was into her.

However, Mulan's fantasy world was broken an hour later, when Mulan's face was swollen up and red rash covered her entire face. Mulan was allergic to turmeric. Everyone in the company knew about it. After Dong Fu purchased flowers, he spread little turmeric powder on them. The flower fragrance blended well with that of the turmeric leaving no trace of it.

Mulan never doubted those flowers, one she doubted were crazy admirers of Feng Sui to have revenge on her. She had to take a long vacation to get well.

Mulan was having an affair with Richard or maybe he used her to cover his under table money theft. Dong Fu had promised Richard that he wouldn't bring it up to the shareholders but never said that he would take his people away from him. He had everything ready.

That was the last day, Mulan worked at FW. After receiving treatment at the hospital, the HR called her informing that she was fired, soon after that she received legal notice from the company's legal department.

She immediately called Richard to ask for help but he was in a tight situation himself, so he ignored all her calls. At some point, he was glad that she became a scapegoat for his deeds, but on the other hand his wife, Christin was informed by someone unknown about their affair.

Mulan hated Richard for turning his back on her, he had promised her to divorce his wife and marry her. She had no choice but to turn to one person she thought would help. It was the one who gave her flowers.

Dong Fu handled things very well, nowhere his name was mentioned. When she called him, he informed her that he would help with legal matters and but she would have to do something in return. After listening to Dong Fu's terms, she readily agreed. She had been working there for the last ten years, she knew everything about the company's finances.

Dong Fu was not an idiot to announce Richard's dirty deeds to the public. That would only cause harm to the company's reputation and stock price. It is said that one should not let outsiders know about family troubles. He was going to make Richard leave on his own.

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