94. His True Words

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Dong Fu temporarily stationed himself at his mom's villa, at springs willow. His uncle Ling Xiao helped him with daily necessities as the younger couldn't leave the house. The media had smeared his image to muck, but he didn't bother with it. He had switched off the machine that created most of the headaches in everyone's life. Only if they knew Aiko was up to things well in advance, they could have avoided all the trouble.

When madam Yu informed Aiko about Yang's suicide, and people looking into the past, Aiko had to take steps. The only one who knew that Aiko ordered Dong Fu's death was Madam Yu. The woman had killed before to keep her secrets hidden, it was easy to get rid of madam Yu. However, she told those working under madam Yu that it was Feng Sui. Though she didn't tell them why she hated Sui, they didn't bother to ask either. The two teamed up to take the young man down.

Madam Yu's team had suggested killing Feng Sui, even though they were aware that he had a great backup. However, Aiko didn't agree as she had other plans in waiting. She wanted to get rid of her husband without attracting any attention to her. Framing Feng Sui was the best choice she came up with. Death could follow him later with no questions asked. Killing him in the mental institution would have been easy. But for some reason, problems arose to hinder their plans. They could only delay in getting him killed.

But in Dong Fu's eyes, killing madam Yu was the dumbest thing to ever do. If people kept killing everyone they didn't agree with, the world would have no humans left. Money can buy people, cops, evidence, but the truth will still win. He smiled as he spent twelve days in leisure. Most times he would stare at the mansion opposite the villa. It looked very lonely.

He was woken up with a kick on his back. He jumped from the bed looking at the attacker. Covering his naked body with the sheet, he glared at the intruder.

"It's noon, for how long are you planning to sleep?" Blondie asked crossing her arms

Dong Fu yawned scratching his butt, "It's holiday mom, not that I have anything to do. Why are you here?"

Blondie clicked her tongue, "You have a hearing on Monday. Call the prosecutor's office, the number is on the speed dial. And wear some clothes, why do you sleep naked."

Dong Fu pulled a pair of pants over his legs, "Used to it, it's comfortable. You should try it sometime."

Blondie made a sour face. Dong Fu smirked, looking at the note passed by the woman, "Giving them work on weekends, that's not nice of you. People have families, they want to spend time with. Did you make sure they won't be able to confirm anything?"

Blondie shrugged her shoulders, "People aren't in the town, shops closed, they will be filled with a lot of paperwork. Just call them, Ryan will then drop an official statement in writing. So get going, he would be here any minute. You have to sign the documents"

"Where were you these days?" Dong Fu asked as he was leaving the room.

Blondie wiggled her eyebrows, "In the middle of the cemetery?"

As he got to do the work, blondie started cleaning the room. The boy had become too lazy to put his things in place. Walking to the window she found something odd. There was a ladder outside the window allowing the youngster to leave and return as he liked.

When Dong Fu returned, he slumped back in his bed. The sheets were yanked a. He complained, "Why can't you let me sleep? I am tired, I want to sleep...." Throwing his hands and legs into the air, he pretended to cry.

"You are sneaking out at night, aren't you? Why is there a ladder down your window?" She pointed it out.

Dong Fu held his leg high in the air for her to see, "I have an anklet, even if I wanted to go out, this shit starts blinking like a bitch."

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