79. A Choice

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The salty stench inflated his nostrils. The once dry t-shirt was soaked in a cold sweat. Dong Fu laid down on the floor panting heavily. He took deep breaths to regulate his heartbeat. He closed his eyes as he tried to relax his heated body. His muscles ached due to excessive practice and being tossed like a fish. The woman had spared no possible means for him to conquer. "Can't you be a little more gentle? I think I broke something." He made a dramatic face, pretending to be in pain.

His instructor flicked his forehead, "Are you going to ask your enemies the same? To cut you some slack?"

"But I am good at breaking other people's bones." Dong Fu complained at the injustice he was facing every other day.

"Your identity is special. It was different when your father kept a distance from you. Now, all his enemies know about your existence. The ones attacking you in the future won't be mere street thugs, but killers sent to assassinate you. The 'danger' is like an uninvited guest who never informs about its arrival until it starts knocking on your doors. You have to manage with whatever resources you have at your disposal. You have to be ready, to survive in any kind of situation. If you don't accept being treated like a sandbag, you got to defeat me, dismissed." The red-haired women spoke with a stern, affirmative tone. After which she turned and left.

She was the newly assigned instructor to train him in self-defense. Though Dong Fu was good at combat, they wanted him to be better. His training was harsh and time-consuming. The blondie had designed his schedule in such a way that it would spare him no time to think about unwanted things.

Dong Fu sighed as he stood up, reaching out for his nearby truffle bag. He picked up the water bottle and uncapped it, drowning it empty. He tossed the empty bottle back in the bag as he walked to the elevator. In a few seconds, he was back on the third floor. The doors of the elevator opened to a long corridor. There were four bodyguards placed, two on each side, guarding the door at the end of the corridor.

The guards were heavily armed with machine guns. The weapons were pointing at Dong Fu's chest. The scanner nearby examined Dong Fu's face and iris to verify his identity. Once his identity was confirmed, the guns were lowered. The guards returned to their positions as the elevator doors closed. It wasn't that they didn't know him, but the rules were particularly strict and needed to be followed.

Dong Fu passed the four expressionless faces. He opened the door at the end of the corridor, to find a man sitting on a wheelchair. His beautiful azure eyes matched Dong Fu's. On the other side standing, was another man with the same face. "Dad, have we made any progress?"

The old man didn't answer, instead, he questioned him back, "How was your training?"

"It was okay, just a few bruises here and there. I have to return to the shooting site later. I still can't handle the guns. You didn't answer my question. It's taking too long, what if we lose them?" Dong Fu asked.

"When you are at war, you need to plan. You need information, details, and most importantly patience, or else you would fail miserably." His uncle replied.

"It's been three weeks, how much longer do we have to wait? What about the girl child?" Dong Fu replied in haste.

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