41. Sanokaya Laboratories

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By the time Dong Fu reached home and finished showering, it was already midnight. He was so happy and on cloud nine, he couldn't wait and gossip about his new love life with his best friend. He called Sam immediately.

Sam was in the middle of extreme lavish exercise with his wife. He was biting and nibbling his wife's soft lips as he thrust himself deeper inside her. The sudden phone call made his eyebrows twitch. He ignored and continued making love.

The phone call went silent after a few rings. After twenty seconds it rang again. "Fuck..." Sam cursed. He reached out for the phone, but continued his activity. He saw the name of the caller and immediately sat up. Dong Fu would never call him so late unless it was urgent.

Looking at him sit, his wife let out a sigh of relief. This was already their third round and she was damn tired. She was tired from work and her beast-like husband wouldn't go easy on her. She immediately covered herself in a blanket and closed her eyes, before her husband comes back to continue what they were doing.

"What? What happened?" Sam asked anxiously. He was still breathing heavily. He was close to climax and now his lower organ was already in pain.

Dong Fu stammered with his words, "Sam... I.. This... Oh... That dinner... I..." He was so happy, his words wouldn't leave his lips.

Sam got more scared, this person sounded like he was on verge of death and he was saying his last words. "Did he poison you?" He couldn't help but get up and search for clothes to wear. His eyes were almost teary thinking of his friend dying again.

"What? No... not poison... He... Liang asked me out and now we are together." There was silence on the other side of the phone. "Can you believe it? We are together." There was still silence on the other side. Dong Fu thought the line was cut. He looked at his phone screen and the call timer was still ongoing. "Hello?"

"Fuck..... You couldn't tell me this tomorrow? Have you looked at the time? I was in the middle of planting my seed in my wife. Fuck." He cursed and hung up. He turned and looked at his wife who had already fallen asleep. He sighed and went to take a cold shower. When the bathroom door was shut, his wife peeped out and reached out for her phone.

She sent a text message to Dong Fu, "Thank you." Though she loved her husband a lot, sometimes she craved for a beautiful sleep.

Dong Fu saw the message and chuckled. This was not the first time he received a thank you from her.

Although Sam was angry, after his cold shower, he called Dong Fu back immediately. Dong Fu was expecting his call. This was the usual behaviour between them. Sam couldn't wait to gossip about it in the morning either. When Dong Fu picked up the call the first thing Sam asked him, "Is he a giant down there?"

The detective who had just entered introduced himself. His name was Yan Xiaoming. He was in charge of the case incident that happened twenty-four years ago. He opened the boxes and started taking out case material. Captain Ma Yo and his subordinates surrounded him, to brief them about the case.

He grabbed a photograph from one of his files and displayed it on the murder board. The man in the photo was young in his early twenties and had beautiful azure eyes. His smile was warm and gentle and he wore glasses.

Detective Yan spoke, "This case is very complicated as well as very shocking. The details of this case were never made public to not create chaos in the minds of the public. Only a few things were mentioned to the public."

He pointed at the photo on the murder board. "This man here, his name is 'Igor Petrov' aka 'Gu Yifieng'. His father was Russian and his mother Chinese. After his father passed away, his mother came back to China. She had two sons. Both were identical twins, the only difference was their eye colour." He took out another photo. The young man resembled same to same as Gu Yifieng, except for his eyes. They were hazel in colour. "His name was 'Aleksandr Petrov' aka 'Gu Weiguang'.

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