89. Deserved It

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Standing in front of the door marked as Dr. Shi, the two shadows seemed suspicious. Blondie picked the lock, opening the door to the therapist's office. The place was clean and well-arranged. Dong Fu walked over at the end of the office, across the table. He looked at Blondie, who gave him a guilty smile, "I didn't know this would happen, I let my guard down."

Dong Fu replied, "You shouldn't have gone behind my back. I was very careful with the visits."

Blondie sighed, "I know, but I was curious and worried at the same time. I have to know facts to plan in advance."

Dong Fu nodded, going through the pile of files. When he couldn't find what he was looking for, he asked the woman, "Did you take away my file?"

Blondie shook her head, "No, I just broke in and scanned the doctor's notes. I was careful, nobody followed me here."

Dong Fu bit his lower lip, "Someone did, the papers that Mr. Tanata showed me were the print outs of the scanned copies. So, he got his hands on what you stole from here."

Blondie raised her eyebrow, "Akira already has a copy? If he does, he wouldn't need an extra. So, who stole the original file?"

Dong Fu paced back and forth, "First is first, how did Akira get hands on the scanned file from your phone?"

Blondie shrugged her shoulders, "I stole it way long back after we returned from Russia. I was very curious about your link to Dong Jia. I am sorry, I went behind your back."

Dong Fu shook his head, "That's not important anymore, nor the things can be changed. The original file is out there, in someone's hand. Wait, you had the soft copy of the file on your phone which is encrypted. So one can't get it unless..."

Blondie nodded, "Unless it was hacked and it's not possible to do it. The person trying to hack in or should be installed in the proximity of where the phone in. I don't use public wifi, they have to be close."

Dong Fu wiped his face, "How many times did you meet Sam after making a copy of the file on your phone?"

Blondie replied as she was going through the doctor's things, "When I had the phone with me? Countless times. I use different phones at times, so it could have happened, who knows when."

Dong Fu stopped pacing, "But Sam doesn't have the means to hack into..." He stopped when his eyes landed on what Blondie was holding. His eyes watered when he saw the business card. Blondie felt sorry for the young man, "Do you still trust him?"

"But why would he come here?"

Blondie shook her head, "I don't know, it's time we find out. I think it's time we take him seriously."

Dong Fu couldn't say anything anymore, he had tried to deny the facts for a long time. Blondie left on her own, whereas Dong Fu drove back home. It was already eleven in the evening when he got back to the villa. What surprised him, Ziyi was standing in front of the compound gate. Dong Fu was baffled, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

She smiled, "Oh, Sui... Liang's car had a flat. So, Sam offered to drive them home. We dropped the woman he was with and then came here. We were just leaving."

Dong Fu's heart was beating, "Sam is here?" He needed some time to get his emotions in place. His mind was disturbed and he had too much to handle at that moment.

Ziyi shook her head, "He was talking to Liang. I think something happened between them. I heard them arguing about something. Sam was angry, he went for a walk to cool down. I was asked to stay behind."

Dong Fu replied, running his hand through his hair, "Why don't you wait for him inside? It's not safe for you here in the open."

Ziyi looked troubled, "No, I should wait for Sam. I don't want him to be upset or anything."

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