Chapter 10

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   "Hello fam..." John said as he entered his mother's kitchen. He kissed his mother on the cheek.
   "You seemed upbeat today." His sister said.
   "Just in a good mood is all. Maybe  getting off work early has something to do with it."
   "Oh here." Max handed him a box.
   "What's this?"
   "Elise said it was some of your things that you left at her place."
   "Oh okay." He looked in the box. "I was looking for this stuff."
   "Good thing she bought it over then huh?"
   "Yeah. When did she bring it over?"
   "This morning. She helped out with the pool party."
   "Where is she now?"
   "In the pool." He looked over at the pool but didn't see anyone."
   "No she isn't"
   "Look closer." Going outside and looking into the pool he seen a form in the pool doing laps. He stood there for a few seconds and she still didn't come up." Going back inside he said.
   "How long can she hold her breath for?"
   "Last I counted it was two minutes." Max answered.
   "Yeah the women is like a mermaid in the water. So how are you and Amber?"
   "Good actually. We're meeting up tomorrow."
   "That's good." They all looked when they heard a splash. It was one of the kids ball falling in the water.
   "I got it." Elise went and got the ball passing it back to the kids.
   "Thank you Elise."
   "No problem." John watched as Elise boost herself out of the pool. His eyes glued onto her. She was wearing one piece bathing suite but it was very revealing. He watched as she pulled the swimming cap off her head and allowed her hair to fall down past her shoulders she then dried her legs and wrapped the towel around her and begin making her way in the house. She had spotted John and forced a smile.
   "Hey John."
   "Hello Elise."
   "Oh I have a box for you..."
   "Max gave it to me already."
   "Oh okay cool." She gave her attention to Max now.
   "You still got me on that make-up."
   "Of course."
   "Okay cool. Just let me take a shower and I'll be ready."
   "No problem just call me when you're done."
   "Will do. Thanks for letting me take a shower here Mrs. Barbara."
   "No problem you are more than welcomed at anytime." With that she left and made her way up the stairs.
   "Did you notice John staring at Elise?" Barbra said to Max as she continued her task.
   "Yup." Max said chuckling.
   "I was not staring."
   "Did you notice how Elise doesn't call me mom when John is around?” There  was a pause then.
   "You know I never realised that until now." Max said. "She doesn't call you mom when he’s around. Why is that?"
   "He must have said something to her. I don't know."
   "You said something to her about it?" Max asked him.
   "NO! Why would you ask me that?"
   "She just change when she is around you is all."
   "I never said anything to her about her calling you mom. I wouldn't do that. I'm not evil. Besides I can't help it if she has some kind of crush on me."
   "I wouldn't say that anymore." Max said with a smirk."
   "What do you mean?"
   "She has a date."
   "Really with who?"
   "Tim." He arched a brow.
   "The Tim I know?"
   "Yes. I guess he asked her out again and she finally said yeah."
   "That's cool." He said surprised that he was feeling some kind of way about it, but he didn't want his family to see that though.
   "Yeah he's coming to get her today. I hope it works out with them two."
   "Me to." There mother said. Twenty minutes later Elise was calling Max to do her make-up. An hour later they both came down the stairs. Johns eyes zoomed in on Elise. She was wearing tight low cut jeans with a blue blouse and black high heels. She walked in the heels as if she was a pro at it. The only time he seen her wearing a pair of heels was when they went to the charity event together. He didn't pay it any attention at the time but now…? Why didn't she ever dress that way before? He had to force himself to look away when she leaned over to fix her pants and her long black hair fell over her face. Her makeup was flawless. His sister did a wonderful job.
   "Wow." His mother said taking the words right out if his head. She was beautiful. "You look stunning." She went over and touched her hair sliding it over to one side. With it straightened her hair was in the middle of her back.
   "Awe thank you. Thanks to Max."
   "Girl you are beautiful without that make up." Max said.
   "Awe thank you."
   "Where are you two going?" Max asked.
   "Typical date." Max teased.
   "Ha ha What's wrong with the movies?"
   "You can't get to know each other while watching a movie."
   "I agree that's why we talked yesterday and I already know Tim. The extra is just the icing on the cake."
   "I hear that." Max said.
   "Did I hear you right when you said you two got to know each other last night?" Barbara asked.
   "My place." They both gave her the look.
   "Not like that. I needed a little help at my place and he helped and we talked and got to know each other a little more."
   "Wait how did he get your number?"
   "I was bored at home so I decided to go to the fair and I ran into him there. He was with his niece who is so adorable."
   "That's nice. And I'm glad you decided to start dating."
   "Me to. He's a cool guy."
   "Yeah Tim is really a sweet guy. A gentleman."Barbraa added.
   "So did you enjoy the movie?" Tim asked and Elise smiled up at him.
   "I did."
   "That's good. So are you hungry?"
   "I am."
   "Okay. I know this really good spot not far from here."
   "Okay." She noticed that he seemed nervous which was making her a little uneasy. As he began walking she slid her hand into his and he looked down at her. "You don't have to be nervous."
   "I'm not nervous." When she gave him a knowing look he said. "Okay maybe a little."
   "I guess I want everything to go by smoothly."
   "What's life without a little rough edges." They both shared a laugh. "Your nervousness is making me nervous."
   "I'm sorry I guess I didn't realise that it was that obvious."
   "It is but it's okay."
   "It is?"
   "Yes. It shows me that you care about making a good impression and I appreciate the effort a lot." He just smiled as they walked side by side to his car.
   "I really hope we can do this again sometime." Tim said as he walked Elise to her door.
   "I would love to do this again Tim."
   "Okay good." Unable to resist he reached over and caressed her cheek. "I couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday."
   "I figured as much." She grabbed his hand and gently bite the padding of his thumb. It took everything in him not to groan. Needing to kiss her he leaned toward her but she took a step back. "I don't kiss on the first date."
   "You're serious?"
   "Oh I'm sorry." He looked at her to find her biting her bottom lip to keep from laughing.
   "You're pulling my leg aren't you?"
   "After what we shared yesterday you think I don't want to kiss you?" She said with a chuckle.
   "You. Women. Come here." He pulled her into his arms kissing her deeply. Yes this woman was definitely going to keep him on his toes. Finally letting her go he allowed her to open the door but before she could fully enter her house he grabbed her hand and she turned to face him. He couldn't get enough of kissing her. He gave her a small tug and she went willingly to him and he kissed her again. This time he lifted her off her feet. Slowly breaking the kiss she looked him into his light brown eyes and seen something she never seen in a man before. She couldn't say what it was but it made her pulse race and made her nervous all at the same time but it didn't scar her. It was a good heart racing feeling. He slowly placed her back on her feet they’re eyes never leaving each other.
   "I want this to work out between us.” He said.
   "It just might."
   "You don't know how good that make me feel."
   "I think I have an idea." Maybe she did but he had a feeling that she truly didn't. He had finally allowed her to enter and close the door. That woman was going to be his wife if she allowed it to happen.

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