Chapter 19

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“What do you have planned for today?” Tim asked Elise.
   “No plan just going with the flow since I have no work. Of course I’ll be going to see my babies today.”
   “What about you?”
   “I do have to run into my job and do a few thing for a few hours then might have to babysit my niece.” Elise beamed from that.
   “You think she will want to come over here? Wait do your family even know about us?”
   “Ahh yes and no.”
   “What does that mean?”
   “They know that I’m talking to someone. They know that I'm very serious about you but they don't know who you are. My cousin asked if I was making you up because they haven't seen you yet.”
   “So they have no idea that we are engaged…” She paused. “Engaged...that’s such a beautiful word.”
   “Not as beautiful as you.”
   “Awe you trying to butter me up and I have to say it’s working.”
   “Yeah?” She nodded her head as he took her in his arms kissing her. She suddenly pulled away from him sliding off the bed.
   “Where are you going?”
   “We have to get ready to start the day. And bring your niece over here. Chop chop.” 
   “You really love kids huh?”
   “You really have to ask that?” He smiled knowing that he didn’t. “Come on.” He laughed as she made her way into the bathroom. Man how he loved that women. Her high energy and over aggregated ways just made his day. He decided to join her in the shower once he heard the water.
   “Tim baby…”
   “We can’t keep going like this?” They were both sprawled out on the bed out of breath from going at each other roughly.
   “Why not?”
   “Well for one you have to go to work and already an half hour late. Second in two hours time we’ve had sex four times not that I’m complaining she added. Third we talked about using protection and have yet to do so. Get ready.” She said as she stood.
   “Get ready for what?”
   “For me to tell you that you’re going to be a father.”
   “I want to be a father.”
   “I know you do, but so soon?”
   “The sooner the better. I can't wait to see your belly growing with my child. Besides I’m not getting any younger. I’m thirty two soon to be thirty three.”
   “That's not old and what made you change your mind about becoming a father so soon?”
   “Nothing changed my mind I just want to start a family with you.”
   “This doesn't have to be rushed. I’m not going anywhere. Besides lets spoil each other before we bring a baby into the world. I want to be stingy and have you to myself first. Can I have you to myself?”
   “Yes you can.” 
   “Good now you get ready for work and I’m going to run to the store.”
   “What are you going to the store for?”
   “Condoms baby.”
   “I can get condoms Elise.”
   “There is nothing wrong with a women buying condoms Timothy. Besides I promised my babies a few things. And we can't delay getting condoms with the way we're having sex. Mating like rabbits. You know how many times rabbits mate in a year? Damn in just one day.” He chuckled. “A lot. That's why there's so many rabbits around here they have litter after litter. Always having sex. That's going to be us if we don't wrap it up.” He laughed.
   “So you don't want ten kids? Max was just making that up?”
   “No she wasn't making it up. I didn't know she told you that.” But I do want at least a year with my baby before we get distracted with babies.”
   “But ten kids though?” Chuckling she said.
   “Yes ten. At least an attempt to make it that far. Something tells me that idea doesn't scare you though.”
   “Surprisingly it doesn't. I can't wait to start.” She laughed.
   “I beat you can’t.”

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