Chapter 13

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Elise woke to Tim still laying beside her. He was holding her. He still had no shirt on so she kissed his chest. Seconds later he stirred awake leaning down and kissing her. The kiss was slow and sensual. He was already hard as a brick.
   “Good morning beautiful.”
   “Good morning to you. Although it's only three in the morning.” Sitting up she straddled him and he groaned. Remembering there conversation last night she quickly slid off him. “I'm sorry.”
   “It's okay.” He said laughing. “Come here.” Pulling her back on top of him he said. “I enjoy how you're so affectionate with me.” She laid on his chest. She loved being affectionate with him. He welcomed it so she enjoyed giving it.
   Elise smiled when she seen Tim was calling her. She thought he was working. 
   “Baby what a surprise. To what do I owe this call?”
   “Just wanted to hear your voice. Why do you sound out of breath?”
   “Outside working out.”
   “Really? What kind of workout are you doing outside.”
   “Well are you familiar with parkour?”
   “Seriously? You do parkour?”
   “Yep. Don't sound so surprised.” She said with a chuckle.
   “Well i am surprised. How long have you been doing parkour?”
   “For years now. I don't know maybe ten twelve years.”
   “Wow I had no idea. Maybe I can work out with you one day.”
   “If you can keep up.”
   “Is that a challenged?”
   “Yes it is.” Laughing he said.
   “Bet. We have a challenge then.” After saying their goodbyes Elise continued her workout.
   “Whats on your mind?” Barbara asked Elise when she seen her in deep thought in the living room.
   “When you knew you were in love how old were you?” Barbara smiled.
   “You're in love Elise?” She asked going to sit next to her.
   “I’m in a feeling I've never felt before stage.” She said. Whatever that meant.
   “So you care more about Tim then you do my son?”
   “Yes.” Elise said without hesitation. “He makes me feel...I don't know. Amazing. He's so sweet. And affectionate. And caring. And I just… enjoy being with him.”
   “Well honey it seems to me as if you're in love.”
   “You think so?” Laughing her mother said.
   “Yes I think so. And I think he's in love with you also” Elise looked at her surprised and tried to force the smile away but failed. “If you think about him a lot when he's away from you. If you grow excited when you see him. If you can't picture yourself without him then you're in love.” Well she guess that she was in love then.
   Elise was running and was nearly at Tim's house when she spotted a familiar face. It was Nathan. Please don't let him try to talk to me dear God. She thought to herself but her prayers was not answered.
   “Hello Elise.” The last time she seen him was at the fundraiser she attended with John.
   “Nathan.” He had stopped in front of her so that she was forced to stop.
   “How have you been?”
   “Great.” She didn't bother to ask how he was doing because she did not care one bit. “Now if you'll excuse me…”
   “Ah Elise. I wanted to apologize for what happened that day at the fundraiser. That was out of character even for me.” To say she was surprised at the apology was an understatement. She didn't expect it. All she could do was give a nod. She honestly couldn't say that she accepted his apology. He still freaked her out. And if he was able to he would have rapped her that night. She still haven't told her mother or Max about the encounter and she assumed John hadn't either. Maybe he was too embarrassed about the situation to had said something.
   “I gotta go.” She sidestepped him running off. She didn't want to be near him any longer than she had to.
   “You enjoy spending time here?” Tim asked Elise as they lay in his bed.
   “I enjoy you. It doesn't matter where we are. As long as I’m with you.” He pulled her closer to him. What man wouldn't want this woman?
   “I love you Elise.” He felt as she turned in his arms. It was dark in the room but he didn't need to see to know she was smiling. He could feel it. Leaning up she kissed him.
   “I love you to Timothy.”
   “Really?” Chuckling she said.
   “Yes really. I love you so much. I guess I was just waiting for you to say it but I've been in love with you for so long.” Finding her mouth he kissed her deeply. She pulled herself up straddling him. Grinding against him she heard him groan. She pulled off his shirt and began kissing him roughly.
   “Make love to me Timothy.” With that he flipped her so that she was now laying on her back. He then pulled off her shirt then her bra and she gasped once his mouth connected to her breast. “Timothy.” He began working on her pajama pants when the sound of glass braking made them freeze.
   “What was that?” Elise asked.
   “Wait here.” Climbing out the bed he went to investigate. He was going to kill them whoever it was. Disturbing his time with Elise. It was a fine time for them to try to break in.
   Grabbing his gun out of his draw he exited the room. He didn't see anyone but he felt there presents. Walking lightly he reached over and flipped on the light the figure was digging in the drawer.
   “Don't fucken move.” The man went for what Tim assumed was a gun and he cocked his. “Move and I’ll put a bullet in your head.”
   “Then you'll get one to.” Tim froze. There was another guy behind him with a gun just inches from his head. All he could think about was Elise. After they killed him they were going to go after her. He couldn't have that. He couldn't allow any harm come to her but little did he know she threw on a shirt grabbed her purse and took out the small hand gun she had purchased for protection.
   She seen the guy holding the gun to Tim’s head. She was terrified out of her mind but she had to do something now. All her training kicked in and she held the gun up to the other guys head.
   “It's about to be some dominos up in her because if you shot him then we all died in here.” She said making sure he heard her cock her gun. His hand quickly went up. “I’ll take that.” She reached over and grabbed the gun. Tim then drew his gun back at the other guy.
   “Get down.” Tim pushed the guy down.
   “I’m not going back to jail.” The guy forced out.
   “Yes you are. Guess what you did? Broke into a cops house dumbass.” Tim looked when he heard more glass. The second guy jumped through the backdoor. He would just get away because there was no way he was leaving this guy in the house with Elise.  Elise went and grabbed zip ties out the kitchen drawer handing them to Tim he arrested the man he still had captive.
   “Elise!” She looked to find Barbara and Max making there way to them in a rush. A policemen tried to stop them but Barbara pushed passed them.
   “Mom.” They hugged each other.
   “Are you okay?” Elise nodded her head. “Are you sure? What happened?” They went inside where Elise continued to be questioned by police. Once Tim was done talking to the police also he went to her side. Leaning over he kissed her.
   “I’m so sorry this happened.” He said.
   “It’s okay. No one knew this was going to happen.”
   “Thank you for protecting my baby Tim.” Barbara said.
   “She protected me.” He said with a chuckle. He told her how Elise had held a gun up to one of the men that was most likely going to shot him. “You saved my life.” He said pulling her to him. His head resting against hers.
   “There was no way I’d let those men  take my baby away from me.” She said and he kissed her again. This woman was his queen and there was no way he would ever let her go.
   It’s been nearly two days since the robbery and Tim hasn't heard a word from Elise. He's called her with no answer. She was avoiding him and he needed to know why although deep down he felt he already knew why. He decided to go to her house after work.
   Elise walked to the door after hearing the bell. She knew who it was before asking. Opening the door she stared up at the man she has fallen in love with. Stepping to the side she allowed him to enter.
   “Avoiding me?” He asked and she shook her head.
   “No. Just been busy.” She made her way to her basement where her gym was set up. He followed. He watched as she began doing pull ups. She had on a sports bra so he could see her muscles as they worked. She was in great shape. He wondered why John was never attracted to her. It had to be more than the clothes that was reason.
   “Don't you think that we should talk?” He said once she finished. Turning to face him she said.
   “Talk about what?”
   “Ah I don't know, maybe you avoiding me?” He said sarcastically.
   “But I’m not avoiding you.” Going over to him she leaned over to where he was sitting and kissed him. “Are you hungry?”
   “No.” She began to make her way back upstairs him following. He was beginning to feel like a puppy following its new owner.
   “I’m going to take a quick shower. You'll be here once I get out?”
   “If you want me to be here.”
   “Of course I do.”
   “Then I'll be in the living room.” She nodded her head then made her way to her bathroom.
   After dressing she went to the livingroom to find tim flipping thru the channels. Going to him she sat next to him resting her head on his shoulder.
   “The worst thing about love is the fear of losing that person that you love. I just needed to clear my head with what happened at your house. It freaked me out. I'm sorry I was avoiding you. I wasn't in my right state of mind.”
   “You can always talk to me Elise.”
   “I know baby but how do you talk about losing someone that you love? That's just something you can't talk about but next time instead of leaving you in the dark I'll let you know that I need time.”
   “That will be much better.” She pulled him down for slow sensual kiss.
   “I love you so much.”
   “I love you to baby.”

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