Chapter 28

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“I have visual on him.” Theodore said as he waited for the word to shot.
   “Elise said that she was in something medal. Like a small trailer. There's nothing like that here.” Tim whispered to Sam. “Don't shoot that man. I have to find my wife first.”
   “Abort mission. At least we found out where he is. We’ll follow him to Elise.”
   “Don't you think I should just give him the money he asked for?” Tim asked.
   “Something tells me that he's not going to do the drop to where Elise is. He'll go miles away from her. That means if we do the drop he'll still have her. He'll kill her because there won't be any other reason to have her.”
   “Well we have to figure something out before four in the morning. That's when he wants to do the drop.”
   “Only if we can find out where she is we can get to her before the drop.” Tim called Elise.
   “I know I asked you this a million times.”
   “All I hear is strong wind Tim.” She was in pain and growing more frustrated by the minute.
   “Okay strong wind. Do you feel as if you're high up in the air or something?”
  “No. I don’t think so. Is the wind blowing where you are?” Tim went outside and sighed.
   “No it's hardly blowing any air out.”
   “It's windy here. I have to be near water. That's the only reason I can think of something being windy.” She then got a thought. “Tim what if I never left the park?”
   “That would explain you disappearing so quickly.”
   “Tim this may be crazy but I'm still in the park. That parking tower. Its medal and concrete and the lake is near by. These fuckin smart dumb asses.” She laughed.
   “I'm on my way baby.”
   “Thank God. I have to pee.” He laughed.
   “See you soon.”

Tim gave the single for the sharp shooter to keep visual while he and the rest if the crew went on the search for Elise.
   Once they got to where she was taken they sighed with disappointment when they had no sign of Elise.
   “We were wrong. She's not here.” Tim wanted to punch something. 
   “Dammit!” He yelled. He called Elise.
   “This is the wrong place Elsie.”
   “The basement Tim.”
   “There's a basement?”
   “Yes baby.” Getting back in formation they begin looking for this basement. It took them no time to find it. Once sure the place was empty Tim opened some doors and flashed his light and there she sat in a corner. 
   Elise squinted her eyes as a light flashed in her face. Without seeing who the person was she knew it was Tim. Her instincts told her. She stood and made her way toward him wrapping her arms around his neck. 
   “Baby.” She sobbed and groaned when he squeezed her too tight. 
   “Are you okay?”
   “Emotionally yes. Physically no.”
   “What's wrong?” He begin checking her. “Is it the baby?” Before she could speak she fainted. “Okay. I got you. We're going to the hospital. Get that bastard Nathan and lock him up. I'll deal with him later.”
   Elise forced her eyes open and the first person she seen was her mother. 
   “If you ever leave me again I'm gonna kill you myself.” Barbara said and Elise laughed but winched from the pain in her ribs. 
   “Mom.” Her mother kissed her forehead. 
   “Relax. You're safe now. I'll tell you, you have a wonderful man.”
   “Don't I know it.” She said then rubbed her stomach. 
   “Your baby is fine. You know I had to hound the doctor for that. Make sure my grandbaby was okay.”
   “Don't you dare start crying. Make me cry again. I had enough of that.”
   “Nathan did this for money mom. He lost his freedom for money.”
   “Some people just aren't right in the head honey.”
   “So many people mom. All these grown men and women that hurt children. People who kidnap others. All for greed.” A tear escaped her. 
   “That's why they have people like you. To save these kids.”
   “If people would stop being so greedy they wouldn't need people like me. I'm scared to bring a baby into this world.”
   “I thought you wasn't afraid.” Max challenged. 
   “I wasn't, until this happened.”
   “That's why you have me to help you.” She smiled at Tim as he entered the room. “Right?” He took her hand. 
   “Yeah. You're my homie, lover, and friend.” She said and the room erupted in laughter. 
   “Always have to be the comedian.”
   “You caught that man?”
   “Every last one of them.”
   “So quickly?”
   “Nathan rated everyone out with no effort.”
   “I alway thought that man was a coward. When can I get out of here?”
   “You're here for a few days. You have an concussion. That man hit you in the head with a gun.” Tim said with a frown. 
   “It's cool i'm not worried about it.”
   “Why aren't you?”
   “Because I know you got his ass back.” She said smiling. 
   “You bet I did.”
   “My ride or die.” Laughing he said.
   “Yes your ride or die.”
   “That's how we roll.”

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